Governor appointed three new members to the board this morning
to fill previous vacancies. However, one of those members withdrew his
nomination because of residency issues and the other two newly appointed
members abstained from the vote. This alteration will mean the state of
Illinois will have to pay TRS and additional $421 million in the coming fiscal
the board last altered the assumption from 8 percent to 7.5 percent in 2014,
the state ended up on the hook for an additional $200 million in pension
payments. We expect there will be a question over the legality of this vote
because prior to today’s
meeting the issue was not posted correctly on the agenda 48 hours prior to the
meeting as is required by the state of Illinois Open Meetings Act. If further
action is taken the IRTA will send out additional updates” (Illinois Retired Teachers
Director Dick Ingram responded to [the anticipated] criticism [from Bruce
Rauner], reading from a statement before the start of the meeting that pointed
out the decades-long role of politics in creating the massive unfunded
liabilities facing the fund.
science has always trumped actuarial science in Illinois,’ Ingram said. ‘More
contributions now means lower required contributions later. Putting off the
pain does not change the reality of what it costs to fund the benefits.’
the vote, Ingram conceded the impact of lowering the rate would be painful but
said the move was necessary because the state had failed to make necessary
contributions and adjustments many times before. ‘No one should think we’re
being insensitive,’ Ingram said. “But what’s been devastating is 70 years of
underfunding…’” (Chicago Sun-Times).
Illinois citizens are aware that state legislators have not fully funded the public pension
systems throughout the years; that instead of paying into the
pension systems, they have used that money to pay for other services. Thus,
without having to pay for services, state legislators have created an enormous
pension debt (or unfunded liability) for the public pension systems in
Illinois. The
pension debt is exorbitant. Depending upon the discount rate and data from a
given source, the debt is $113 billion+.
decrease in the chosen discount rate increases the unfunded liability. Approximately one-third of the total
pension payment each year is for “normal costs” to the system; the other
two-thirds of the payment is the interest owed on the debt the state incurred
for not fully funding the pension systems.
“The greatest cause of the state’s unfunded liability has been borrowing
against the pension systems. This
borrowing meant that the state’s contributions were not sufficient to pay for
both benefits earned by current employees and interest on the pre-existing
unfunded liability. Without sufficient contributions, an unfunded liability
annually grows by a retirement system’s investment rate assumption (which
ranges from seven percent to eight percent among Illinois’ five state systems).
“The state’s annual contribution to the retirement
systems for debt service can be thought of as having two components: one part
goes to pay down principal and the other is for interest on the principal. This
is similar to paying down a credit card bill or home/car loan.
“The significant debt owed to the pension systems
is the core cause of the systems’ cumulative unfunded liability—a situation
that did not arise overnight. In fact, Illinois
lawmakers essentially borrowed against the pension systems for several decades
by underfunding what was owed, and instead diverted the revenue that should
have gone towards pensions to fund the delivery of current services—like
Healthcare, Education, and Public Safety” (Center
for Tax and Budget Accountability).
The public pension systems were not and
are still not the cause of the state’s budget deficits. The state’s budget deficits
were triggered by past policymakers’ corruption, arrogance and irresponsibility
(and currently by Bruce Rauner, et al.). The state's pension debt and revenue
problems should be the focus. Any attempt to break a constitutionally-guaranteed
contract with the state’s public servants is a flagrant
disregard of the State and U.S. Constitutions and will not address the State’s unfunded
liability or its revenue problems.
From John Dillon’s Blog:
ReplyDelete“…Not a problem for Rauner, but a clear warning for the 400,000 TRS members that those who will indeed suffer the unconnected consequences of Illinois’ mismanaged and structural deficit will be the marginalized.
“Remember that poor kid in class that you protected? The governor could care less for him or her. Willing to capitulate yet? So, how do we pay back what we owe in Illinois? We don’t. Why?
“Instead, the business-man Governor and his new crew have decided to try to thwart payments to those already owed by forcing an apprehensive General Assembly to redouble their attempts to reduce pension payments despite the latest unanimous scolding of the Illinois Supreme Court to ‘stop and desist’ from avoiding your own self-made problem.
“And the Court likewise alluded to the inclusion of contractual benefits for Tier One teachers at the instant of their working career. Warning: Welcome to Tier Four you new Illinois teachers in 20XX?
“Other forms of revenue enhancement to be shared by all of us in Illinois (including those of us retired teachers) remain discarded on the side table: a graduated tax, service taxes, transaction taxes, etc.
“Instead, the new business-savvy Governor and his crew will hold their line on business-friendly Turnabout Agenda – or else no tax increase or budget - and we will limp on, ignoring those marginalized and extremely uncomfortable mendicants who embarrass us on street corners, or sleep on highway corners, and quietly inhabit the depths of our forest preserves…”
John Dillon blogs at: http://pension-vocabulary.blogspot.com/