Wednesday, August 5, 2020

"I will ask that parents try to partner WITH educators" -Vikki Reid

“Less than 24 hours ago, Lyons Township High School District 204 announced a remote learning model to return to school for the 2020-2021 school year. I am making a promise NOT to lose myself in the hatred and vitriol, that we know is ultimately rooted in fear, from disgruntled parents posting on social media who are bashing teachers and this plan before it even begins.

“Instead, I will ask that parents try to partner WITH educators to combat ALL of our fears, to put egos aside, to stop looking for someone to blame, and to show a little respect for those trained in this profession. This society needs an immediate effort to model for our children how to behave in the face of adversity— because they ARE watching closely right now, and they will emulate what they see.

“Trust me when I say we are ALL afraid, but can you imagine the possibilities if everyone took a risk and put all of the negative energy they are using right now fighting AGAINST remote learning into opening themselves up to simply being POSITIVE from the onset of this announcement? Oh, what a semester we would have.” 

-Vikki Reid

#endthehatred #kindnessmatters 


  1. I want very much to believe that sanity shall prevail and that those at LT who made the decision to open with remote learning are rewarded and respected for their leadership.

  2. “LT returns to school August 20th with remote learning models that are being planned now by the teaching staff. Imagine the difficulties of such a task. A good library has a thousand books on educational best practices. The best qualities of teachers on any list describe personal relationships and communication skills. These attributes will now be tested unlike ever before. We want to wish our fellow and younger educators strength, wisdom and success in this daunting task. We are with you in our hearts.”

    -John Dillon

  3. Dear respected colleagues and friends at LTHS,

    “I am in full support of you during this pandemic and believe wholeheartedly that you will handle the challenges that remote teaching/learning presents with poise and professionalism. There are many of you who I know will lighten the load for your students with passionate creativity and a delightful sense of humor. Stay well and best wishes from the retired ranks. I am grateful for you.”

    -Jane Campbell

  4. “We all yearn for a return to normal. Getting back to school is a not just a desire for normal, it is a real need. Unfortunately, right now, returning to in-person instruction would not be normal. Altered schedules, no extra-curricular activities, masks and social distancing would all create an abnormal setting. Worse, it isn’t safe. Over 1/3 of the educators in this country are over the age of 50 and at high risk for catching the virus. If anyone does contract the virus, the in-person instruction ends and alternatives have to be created on the fly. Virtual instruction right now is not ideal; it is not what any educator really wants. It isn’t normal, but it is safe. My heart breaks for all of the students and teachers at LT and what they may miss, but the cost of moving too soon is devastating.”

    -Mark Doyle

  5. Fellow educators,

    “I cannot imagine how you will begin a new school year without being physically present in a school building. There was always something special about those first days of a new school year, seeing old friends after a summer away, getting the ‘feel’ for my classroom, sitting in that first faculty meeting with the anticipation of another year. But this year will be special too, one you will remember for the rest of your teaching career. Do your best to connect with your students, be inventive, be inspiring, but most of all be yourself as best you can. Teaching with computer generated lessons, can be daunting but only you can make those young minds challenge themselves to make this the best year of their education yet. A former coach and mentor used to say, ‘We work hard. We never quit. We are a team. We are the Lions, and WE ARE THE BEST.’ Good luck, best wishes.”

    -Scott Yount
    LTHS Teacher 1980-2015, LT grad 1971
    and proud of LT for 5 generations of LT Graduates from my family.

  6. Dear LT teachers,

    Right now, teaching online is the moral and sensible choice. No doubt, your commitment to the safety and health of your students, your colleagues, their families and communities is judicious. Your dedication, concern and indomitable spirit are nonpareil, and your online creativity and inspiration will be exemplary. I support you unequivocally. Stay strong and be safe.

    -Glen Brown


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