“The post-secondary academic
workforce has undergone a remarkable change over the last several decades. The tenure-track
college professor with a stable salary, firmly grounded in the middle or
upper-middle class, is becoming rare. Taking her place is the contingent
faculty: non-tenure-track teachers, such as part-time adjuncts or graduate
instructors, with no job security from one semester to the next, working at a
piece rate with few or no benefits across multiple workplaces, and far too
often struggling to make ends meet. In 1970, adjuncts made up 20 percent of all
higher education faculty. Today, they represent half.1
“Increasing the number of Americans who obtain a college degree or other post-secondary credentials is a key to growing and strengthening the middle class and ensuring the country’s global competitiveness. Yet the expanding use of contingent faculty to achieve this goal presents a paradox. These instructors are highly educated workers who overwhelmingly have postgraduate degrees. They perform work critical to our national efforts to lift the next generation’s economic prospects.
“[There is] a growing, visible trend that dims many workers’ prospects for stable, full-time employment…
“To be an adjunct faculty member is to have
almost no job stability. Many are hired on a semester-by-semester contract,
with their assignments ‘the last to be confirmed and the first to be changed at
the last moment…’
“Adjuncts are highly skilled: The eForum found that, despite their low pay and lack of benefits,
contingent faculty possess impressive educational backgrounds, often with many
years of teaching and industry experience…
“Impact on teaching: These trends
are not without consequence. Because many eForum respondents are juggling
several courses and jobs, many expressed that they do not spend adequate time
on class preparation and office hours. These faculty members worry that
students are negatively impacted because they are unable to access professors
who, for example, may have to sprint out of the office to drive an hour or
longer to teach their next class…
“Contingent faculty have turned to organizing
with labor unions…
“By no means comprehensive or
scientific, the eForum provided an alarming snapshot of life for contingent faculty.
While the occupation of ‘college professor’ still retains a reputation as a
middle-class job, the reality is that a growing number of people working in
this profession fill positions not intended to provide the stability, pay, or
benefits necessary for a family’s long-term economic security. Whether some
adjunct professors piece together a living from their teaching job or only use
it to supplement a more stable primary career elsewhere, many contingent
faculty might be best classified as working poor.31
“As one respondent put it: ‘[T]he
bulk of instructors at the college level fulfilling this goal [of educating
students] are compensated less than their peers despite equal expertise, are
given no benefits despite obvious need, and are continually stripped of their
voice and dignity by a situation where they must overwork themselves or find a
new career.’
“Their story is another example
of the shrinking middle class and another data point in the widening gap
between rich and poor. Policy solutions for part-time workers more generally,
such as the Part-Time Workers’ Bill of Rights, would help address some of the
economic security issues these faculty face.
“While these individuals worry about their own
futures and how to provide for their families, they are equally distressed by
what they believe is a shortchanging of students who pay ever-increasing
tuition to attend their courses. The link between student outcomes and
contingent faculty working conditions—not just the adjuncts’ schedules and
compensation but the respect and professional support they receive from their
schools—deserves serious scrutiny from the Committee and other policymakers
around the country, as well as from institutions of higher education
“Researchers have pointed to
various causes of the increased reliance on contingent faculty. Some argue that
reduced state funding for higher education has pushed schools to both raise
tuition and cut costs, particularly labor costs. Others argue that institutions
have actually de-prioritized spending on academics in favor of other categories
of spending. Indeed, the proportion of colleges’ total expenditures
attributable to teacher salaries declined five percent from 1987 to 2005.32
“In today’s lean era, schools
have often chosen to balance their budgets on the backs of adjuncts. Outsized
administrator salaries, marketing operations, and campus frills recently have
received significant attention. Increased budget transparency for institutions
of higher education would be a critical step in understanding the nature and necessity
of this now-pervasive labor practice and whether and how it may be changed.”

2 Best Jobs in
America, CNN Money. 2009. Available at:
3 Occupational Outlook Handbook,
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Available at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/postsecondary-teachers.htm...
31 Gary Rhoades, “Adjunct
Professors are the New Working Poor,” CNN, September 25, 2013.
32 Jane V. Wellman, Donna M.
Desrochers, and Colleen M. Lenihan, “The Growing Imbalance: Recent Trends in
U.S. Post-secondary Education Finance,” Delta Cost Project, 2008.
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