For the corrupt Republican Party, reality is not an objective fact
to be acknowledged. Today’s Republicans aim to reduce the range of thought
through doublespeak, denial and deceit. Their language is stripped of reason
and raped by propaganda. Power is not a means for them; it is an end for
them—power for its own sake. With today’s social media and promulgation of
falsehood, reality is no longer something to be known and experienced. It has
been fabricated and transformed.
We have witnessed this trumped-up transformation and its
exacerbation these past years. Narcissistic Trump is a seditious, treasonous authoritarian inhibited by no laws
or moral consideration, and there are others who are willing to subvert the Rule of Law. They are also dangerous and
depraved: Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence, Mark Meadows,
Jeffrey Clark, Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Scott Perry, John Eastman, Roger
Stone, Steve Bannon, Mo Brooks, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt
Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Charles Grassley, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio,
Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, John Neeley Kennedy, Ron Johnson, Louie Gohmert, Barry Moore, (Democratic
Centrists) Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, and Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Jeanne Herman, Doug Mastriano, Matthew DePerno, Brian Zahra, Mark Finchem, Tucker Carlson....
The destruction of America's fragile democracy will be the result of our failure to respond to those among us who choose to repudiate empirical truth and falsify reality for power and greed.
I am afraid that today’s weak Democratic Party’s ill-advised
priorities, political stupidity, schizophrenic identity, split coalition,
endless procrastination and vulnerable candidacies will enable the corrupt Republican
Party to take over the House and Senate in 2022 and the presidency in 2024.
What Biden and the democratic leadership need to address before it is too late, besides the antiquated filibuster and Freedom to Vote Act, is the lack of unity in the Democratic Party; Republican propagation of lies; the ongoing Republican subversion of the next elections; the Republican attempt to rigged the voting system in their favor; the Republican focus on voting in partisan supervisors for elections; Republican gerrymandering; Republican legislator purges; Republican sabotage of the U.S. mail system; Republican attacks on Medicare and Social Security; Republican obstruction of serious gun control legislation; Republican (or theocratic and dishonorable) takeover of the U.S. Supreme Court; rising American religious fundamentalism; the after-effects of the pandemic and its effects on healthcare; the unvaccinated and their effects on hospitals and the economy; the global demand for thermal energy; the climate crisis; the education and teacher crisis; cyber security; immigration reform; corporate corruption; pharmaceutical greed; wage stagnation, inflation and reflation; Russia, China, North Korea...
What Biden and the democratic leadership also need to address is an expansion of Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing benefits; an expansion of the Child Tax Credit; an ample reduction of prescription drug prices; the availability of healthcare for those who cannot afford it; the income inequality and unfair taxation of the wealthy elite, and how to defeat the amoral Republican Party's criminal, authoritarian Trump, to name just a few.
These are some of the well-funded Think Tanks and Doners of Radical Right-Wing America: George Mason University/Mercatus Center, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) (Koch funded), Cato Institute (Koch funded), Americans for Prosperity (Koch funded), State Policy Network (Koch funded), the Reason Foundation (Koch funded), Charles Koch Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, Smith Richardson Foundation, Olin Foundation, Earheart Foundation, the Tax Foundation, Citizens for a Sound Economy, FreedomWorks, Club for Growth, Federalist Society, Institute for Contemporary Studies, Institute for Humane Studies, Independent Institute, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Leadership Institute, the Liberty Fund, Scaife Family Charitable Trusts, Mont Pelerin Society…
We already have witnessed a takeover of the Republican Party and their attacks on democracy, the weakening of our labor unions, right-to-work laws to keep workers powerless, the shutting down of the federal government, the denial of climate change from the executive and legislative branches of government, ALEC-backed legislators who created bills to restrict minority voting, the scapegoating of teachers, the attacks on retirees’ and public employees’ pensions, the attacks on Critical Race Theory, the deprivation of university and college adjunct faculty, the systematic dismantling of public ownership and services, the firing of life-long and competent civil servants, the hiring of Trump sycophants, the privatized exorbitantly priced healthcare system, the rewriting of the tax code to benefit the wealthiest Americans, the victimization of immigrant children and their parents, and other forms of oligarchic oppression.
Are we also going to allow the continuing deregulation of our environmental protections; the continuing privatization of our public schools; the eradication of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; the transformation of the U.S. courts and the privatization of the justice system; and a reinterpretation of the U.S. Constitution to successfully oppress the majority of Americans?
-Glen Brown
It's like watching the fall of Rome all over again. Human nature abhors a strong civilization. Greed and corruption always destroy what would be best for the masses in order to serve the lust for power by the few. It's an old story that has repeated itself for 10,000 years. I thought we could evolve past it, but I've been proven wrong.