Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Trump Has Peaceful Protesters Tear-Gassed and Shot with Flash Grenades and Rubber Bullets So He Could Have a Photo-Op at a Closed Church

“…Trump's anger at criticism for sheltering in a bunker during protests outside the White House spurred him to stage a controversial photo-op outside a church damaged in the protests [the day before] according to reports. In order for the media moment to take place [the following] evening, peaceful demonstrators in Lafayette Square were dispersed by police with tear gas, flash grenades, and rubber bullets to clear the way for [him]…” -Business Insider.

“…Escalating an already tense situation, Trump, speaking  to the press at the White House Rose Garden, said he would be invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807, which  he says would allow him to deploy troops anywhere across the nation. It would be the first time the Insurrection Act had been invoked in more than 200 years.
“Calling himself the ‘president of law and order,’ Trump declared: ‘We cannot allow the righteous cries of peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob… I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop rioting and looting, to end the destruction… If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them… As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property. We will end it now.’
“After making his remarks at the White House Rose Garden, Trump left the White House on foot, walking across Lafayette Park to St John’s Episcopal church, only a short distance away. Once at the church Trump posed with a Bible for photographers. It was, to say the least, surreal” (Patheos).

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