SINGAPORE — Ashok Mirpuri came to
Washington in 2012, as the second term of President Barack Obama got
underway. He remained in his post until his retirement last week,
drawing to a close a lengthy tenure during which Mirpuri saw whole eras of
U.S. politics fade and emerge. He was Singapore’s envoy to three successive
U.S. administrations, which gave him a front-row seat to the twists and
turns of the past decade.
Mirpuri saw the waning of American interest in U.S.
military entanglements in the Middle East, the backlash against free trade
from a public that no longer trusts in the dividends of globalization and
the intensifying competition between the United States and China. In an
interview with Today’s WorldView,
he discussed his stint in Washington and how Singapore navigates an
increasingly fraught geopolitical context. The conversation has been edited
for brevity and clarity.
Today’s WorldView: It’s unusual for an ambassador to
complete as long of a tour as you did in Washington. How did it affect your
view of the city?
Ashok Mirpuri: Well, the advantage of spending this
much time in D.C. is that you get to build relationships over a long
period. Coming from a country like Singapore — we’re not a relationship in
which there are too many difficulties, but sometimes you just get put aside
as a country that doesn’t really require that much attention. But by
staying long enough, you get to know people, you get to understand the
context of the city. And it is a fascinating city to be in. There is a
revolving door in administrations. Even if administrations stay long,
because it is such a draining task, key members of the team turn over, but
they keep coming back into new roles down the road. And that has been one
key advantage of being in D.C. for all this period.
Obama’s “pivot to Asia” was already underway when
you arrived in Washington, and his administration made a series of
overtures to Southeast Asian nations. How different is the tenor of things
now, given the new focus on China?
Today, the Washington conversation is all about
U.S.-China relations. It does move Southeast Asia into a very different
context of that relationship. Yes, the administration still does things
with Southeast Asia: They had a very successful summit of [Association of
Southeast Asian Nations] leaders last May. But ASEAN and Southeast Asia is
almost in a sort of confluence in between U.S.-China relations. That change,
that geopolitical shift into a great power competition in 2023, was not
really there in 2012.
So that has been a fairly dramatic shift, which has
also gone in line with things happening domestically: The focus on “foreign
policy for the middle class,” the focus on getting more investments back. I
see both of these going hand in hand, and the challenge for countries like
Singapore, is how do you navigate through these changes? And so having an
ambassador who stayed some time, got to know people and tried to understand
those sort of nuances as they shift has been very useful.
Does Singapore feel caught in the middle of this
great power tussle?
Well, I’m not sure that we are entirely in the
middle of it. And I’m not sure whether we can influence either side. We
have to survive the shifts in this relationship because we are close to
both sides. We have a very deep, strong security and economic relationship
with the United States, one that dates back more than 30 years. Similarly
with China, we do have very close economic times. We have regular exchanges
that take place; we’re building up a bilateral relationship with them.
How do we create a system in the Indo-Pacific that
there can be some calm because that calm has brought a great deal of
economic success for Singapore and other countries of the region. And how
do we keep that calm going for an extended period, even as there’s a power
competition? That’s what Singapore and the other ASEAN countries want to
navigate. And that’s where we put quite a bit of effort in engaging both
the Americans and the Chinese on these issues.
If you listen to some voices on both sides, there’s
a sense of an almost inevitable U.S.-China clash over Taiwan. What’s your
view on the tensions surrounding the island?
We are concerned about it, it’s become an issue.
Both sides’ take is very critical to them. There has been a status quo that
has served us well for over 50 years. That status quo is being adjusted by
everybody. And in a way we need to find some new balance if we cannot get
back to that old status quo. You want to avoid the inevitable as much as
you can.
Have you been surprised by how such a hawkish
bipartisan consensus emerged on China in the United States?
Looking back at similar conversations I had in 2015
and 2016, there was already some sense that things may start shifting. I
don’t think anybody anticipated on either side that it would shift so
What would you say is the single biggest success of your tenure?
I think keeping Singapore near the top of the Washington
conversation in a good way. I think the highlight was the Prime Minister [Lee
Hsien Loong] being invited for a state visit [in 2016] with the dinner,
because not many small countries get that privilege and the prestige and the
honor when you see official Washington basically turning out for Singapore.
Don’t forget, Singapore is on the other side of the world. There’s a
significant asymmetry in its size compared to the U.S. And yet, we do have that
place in American foreign policy thinking about the region that offers a
helpful voice when we can.
There was also that eye-catching, if ineffectual, summit between
Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump in Singapore in 2018.
No matter where you were in the world, you had all the cameras
focused on Singapore. I think it gave a certain sense of credibility that
Singapore at short notice could organize that summit. Now, the substance of it
is really for the U.S. and North Korea to take up. And the fact that it was not
able to succeed is unfortunate for the regional dynamics, and we are seeing
some of those concerns come up again today.
Do you worry about Singapore’s place in Asia at a time of such
potential chaos? Beyond war, a return to forms of protectionism surely
complicates things for a nation built on trade and logistics and powered by
Our history of getting independence, of surviving the early years
of independence, of dealing with changes within Southeast Asia [ensured] that
we never take anything for granted. We have been fortunate to be in a positive
place, as global trends were a lot more globalized. But Singapore was always a
hub for connection since the early 19th century. We will make the adjustments
in order to ride through these challenges. We would like a more connected
world, a more inclusive world, but many of these things are beyond our ability
to influence. What we can influence is really to make sure that there is a
space for Singapore in this. That we’re not sort of cut off by either [the
United States or China] and so we never take anything for granted. We just have
to be focused on the future. See where the opportunities come up. Be in many
ways nimble to connect with either side, and other countries as well.
-Ishaan Tharoor and Sammy Westfall
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