Captured Moments:
A writer must “know and have an ever-present consciousness that this world is a world of fools and rogues… tormented with envy, consumed with vanity; selfish, false, cruel, cursed with illusions… He should free himself of all doctrines, theories, etiquettes, politics…” —Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?). “The nobility of the writer's occupation lies in resisting oppression, thus in accepting isolation” —Albert Camus (1913-1960). “What are you gonna do” —Bertha Brown (1895-1987).
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Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
A film about a comet hurtling towards Earth and no one is doing anything about it? Sounds exactly like the climate crisis by Peter Kalmus
The movie Don’t Look Up is
satire. But speaking as a climate scientist doing everything I can to wake
people up and avoid planetary destruction, it’s also the most accurate film
about society’s terrifying non-response to climate breakdown I’ve seen.
The film, from director
Adam McKay and writer David Sirota, tells the story of astronomy grad student
Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence) and her PhD adviser, Dr Randall Mindy
(Leonardo DiCaprio), who discover a comet – a “planet killer” – that will
impact the Earth in just over six months. The certainty of impact is 99.7%, as
certain as just about anything in science.
The scientists are
essentially alone with this knowledge, ignored and gaslighted by society. The
panic and desperation they feel mirror the panic and desperation that many
climate scientists feel. In one scene, Mindy hyperventilates in a bathroom; in
another, Diabasky, on national TV, screams “Are we not being clear? We’re all
100% for sure gonna fucking die!” I can relate. This is what it feels like to
be a climate scientist today.
The two astronomers are
given a 20-minute audience with the president (Meryl Streep), who is glad to
hear that impact isn’t technically 100% certain. Weighing election strategy
above the fate of the planet, she decides to “sit tight and assess”. Desperate,
the scientists then go on a national morning show, but the TV hosts make light
of their warning (which is also overshadowed by a celebrity breakup story).
By now, the imminent
collision with comet Diabasky is confirmed by scientists around the world.
After political winds shift, the president initiates a mission to divert the
comet, but changes her mind at the last moment when urged to do so by a
billionaire donor (Mark Rylance) with his own plan to guide it to a safe landing,
using unproven technology, in order to claim its precious metals. A sports
magazine’s cover asks, “The end is near. Will there be a Super Bowl?”
But this isn’t a film
about how humanity would respond to a planet-killing comet; it’s a film about
how humanity is responding to planet-killing climate breakdown. We live in a
society in which, despite extraordinarily clear, present, and worsening climate
danger, more than half of Republican members of Congress still say climate change is a hoax and many
more wish to block action, and in which the official Democratic party platform
still enshrines massive subsidies to the fossil fuel industry;
in which the current president ran on a promise that “nothing will
fundamentally change”, and the speaker of the House dismissed even a modest
climate plan as “the green dream or whatever”; in which the largest delegation to Cop26 was the fossil fuel industry,
and the White House sold drilling rights to a huge tract
of the Gulf of Mexico after the summit; in which world leaders say that climate
is an “existential threat to humanity” while simultaneously expanding fossil
fuel production; in which major newspapers still run fossil fuel ads, and climate
news is routinely overshadowed by sports; in which entrepreneurs push
incredibly risky tech solutions and billionaires sell
the absurdist fantasy that humanity can just move to Mars.
leaders underestimate how rapid, serious and permanent ecological breakdown
will be if humanity fails to mobilize
After 15 years of
working to raise climate urgency, I’ve concluded that the public in general,
and world leaders in particular, underestimate how rapid,
serious and permanent climate and ecological breakdown will be if humanity
fails to mobilize. There may only be five years left before humanity expends the
remaining “carbon budget” to stay under 1.5C of global heating at today’s
emissions rates – a level of heating I am not confident will be compatible with
civilization as we know it. And there may only be five years before the Amazon rainforest and a large Antarctic ice sheet pass irreversible
tipping points.
The Earth system is
breaking down now with breathtaking speed. And climate scientists have faced an
even more insurmountable public communication task than the astronomers in
Don’t Look Up, since climate destruction unfolds over decades – lightning fast
as far as the planet is concerned, but glacially slow as far as the news cycle
is concerned – and isn’t as immediate and visible as a comet in the sky.
Given all this,
dismissing Don’t Look Up as too obvious might say more about the critic than the film. It’s
funny and terrifying because it conveys a certain cold truth that climate
scientists and others who understand the full depth of the climate emergency
are living every day. I hope that this movie, which comically depicts how hard
it is to break through prevailing norms, actually helps break through those
norms in real life.
need stories that highlight the many absurdities that arise from knowing what’s
coming while failing to act.
I also hope Hollywood is
learning how to tell climate stories that matter. Instead of stories that
create comforting distance from the grave danger we are in via unrealistic
techno fixes for unrealistic disaster scenarios, humanity needs stories that
highlight the many absurdities that arise from collectively knowing what’s
coming while collectively failing to act.
We also need stories
that show humanity responding rationally to the crisis. A lack of technology
isn’t what’s blocking action. Instead, humanity needs to confront the fossil
fuel industry head on, accept that we need to consume less energy, and switch into full-on emergency mode. The sense of
solidarity and relief we’d feel once this happens – if it happens – would be
gamechanging for our species. More and better facts will not catalyze this
sociocultural tipping point, but more and better stories might.
Peter Kalmus is a climate scientist and author of Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution
Guardian: I’m
a climate scientist. Don’t Look Up captures the madness I see every day | Peter
Kalmus | The Guardian
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Don't Look Up
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
“It Saved My Life”: Depression Treatment Turns Lives Around in Five Days by Lesley McClurg
After 40 years of fighting debilitating depression,
Emma was on the brink. “I was suicidal,” said Emma, a 59-year-old Bay Area
resident. KQED is not using her full name because of the stigma of mental
illness. “I was going to die.” Over the years, Emma sat through hours of talk therapy and tried
countless anti-depression medications ‘to have a semblance of normalcy.’ And
yet she was consumed by relentless fatigue, insomnia and chronic nausea.
Depression is the world’s leading cause of disability,
partly because treatment options often result in numerous side effects or
patients do not respond at all. And there are many people who never seek
treatment because mental illness can carry heavy stigma and discrimination. Studies show
untreated depression can lead to suicidal ideation.
Three years ago, Emma’s psychiatrist urged her to
enroll in a study at
Stanford University School of Medicine designed for people who had run out of
options. When she arrived, scientists took an MRI scan to determine the best
possible location to deliver electrical pulses to her brain. Then for 10 hours
a day for five consecutive days, Emma sat in
a chair while a magnetic field stimulated her brain.
At the end of the first day, an unfamiliar calm
settled over Emma. Even when her partner picked her up to drive home, she stayed
relaxed. “I’m usually hysterical,” she said. “All the time I’m grabbing things.
I’m yelling, you know, ‘Did you see those lights?’ And while I rode home that
first night, I just looked out the window and I enjoyed the ride.”
The remedy was a new type of repetitive transcranial
magnetic stimulation (rTMS) called Stanford neuromodulation therapy. By adding
imaging technology to the treatment and upping the dose of rTMS scientists have
developed an approach that’s more effective and more than eight times as the
current approved treatment.
A coil on top of Emma’s head created a magnetic
field that sent electric pulses through her skull to tickle the surface of her
brain. She says it was like a woodpecker tapped on her skull every 15 seconds.
The electrical current is directed at the prefrontal cortex, which is the part
of the brain that plans, dreams and controls our emotions. “It’s an area
thought to be underactive in depression,” said Nolan Williams, a psychiatrist
and rTMS researcher at Stanford. “We send a signal for the system to not only
turn on, but to stay on and remember to stay on.” Nolan says pumping up the
prefrontal cortex helps turn down other areas of the brain that stimulate fear
and anxiety. That’s the basic premise of rTMS – electrical impulses are used to
balance out erratic brain activity. As a result, people feel less depressed and
more in control. All of this holds true in the new treatment, it just works
A recent randomized control trial,
published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, shows astounding results are
possible in five days or less. Almost 80% of patients crossed into remission —
meaning they experienced a normal mood within days. This is compared to about
13% of people who received the sham placebo. Patients did not report any
serious side effects. The most common complaint was a light headache.
Stanford’s new delivery system may even outperform
electroconvulsive therapy, which is the most popular form of brain stimulation
for depression, but it requires both general anesthesia and a full medical
team. “This study not only showed some of the best remission rates we’ve ever
seen in depression,” said Shan Siddiqi, a Harvard psychiatrist not connected to
the study. “But also managed to do that in people who had already failed
multiple other treatments.”
Siddiqi also says the study’s small sample size, which is only
29 patients, is not cause for concern. “Often, a clinical trial will be
terminated early (according to pre-specified criteria) because the treatment is
so effective that it would be unethical to continue giving people placebo,”
said Siddiqi. “That’s what happened here – they’d originally planned to recruit
a much larger sample, but the interim analysis was definitive.”
Mark George, a psychiatrist and neurologist at the Medical
University of South Carolina, agrees. He points to other similarly sized trials
for depression treatments like ketamine, a version of which is now FDA-approved.
He says the new rTMS approach could be a game changer because it’s both more
precise and faster. George pioneered a rTMS treatment that was approved by the
federal Food and Drug Administration for depression in 2008. Studies show
it produces a near total loss of symptoms in about a third of patients, another
third feel somewhat better, and a third do not respond at all. But the main
problem with the original treatment is that it takes six weeks, which is a long
time for a patient in the midst of an urgent crisis. “This study shows that you
can speed it all up and that you can add treatments in a given day and it
works,” said George.
The shorter treatment will increase access for a lot of people who
cannot get six weeks off work or cover childcare for that long. “The more
exciting applications, however, are due to the rapidity,” said George. “These
people [the patients] got un-suicidal and undepressed within a week. Those
patients are just clogging up our emergency rooms, our psych hospitals. And we
really don’t have good treatments for acute suicidality.”
After 45 years of depression and numerous failed attempts to
medicate his illness Tommy Van Brocklin, a civil engineer, says he didn’t see a
way out. “The past couple of years I just started crying a lot,” he said. “I
was just a real emotional wreck.”
So last September, Van Brocklin flew across the country from his
home in Tennessee to Stanford where he underwent the new rTMS treatment for a
single five-day treatment. Almost immediately he started feeling more
optimistic and sleeping longer and deeper. “I wake up now and I want to come to
work, whereas before I’d rather stick a sharp stick in my eye,” said Van
Brocklin. “I have not had any depressed days since my treatment.” He is hopeful
the changes stick. More larger studies are needed to verify how long the new
rTMS treatment will last.
At least for Emma, the woman who received Stanford’s treatment
three years ago in a similar study, the results are holding. She says she still
has ups and downs but ‘it’s an entirely different me dealing with it.’ She says
the regimen rewired her from the inside out. “It saved my life and I’ll be
forever grateful,” said Emma, her voice cracking with emotion. “It saved my
Stanford’s neuromodulation therapy could be widely available by
the end of next year, that’s when scientists are hoping FDA clearance comes
through. Nolan, the lead researcher at Stanford, says he’s optimistic insurance
companies will eventually cover the new delivery model because it works faster,
so it’s likely more cost effective than a conventional rTMS regimen. Major
insurance companies and Medicare currently cover rTMS, though some plans require
patients to demonstrate that they’ve exhausted other treatment options.
The next step is studying how rTMS may improve other
mental health disorders like addiction and traumatic brain injury. “This study
is hopefully just the tip of the iceberg,” said Siddiqi. “I think we’re finally
on the verge of a paradigm shift in how we think about psychiatric treatment,
where we’ll supplement the conventional chemical imbalance and psychological
conflict models with a new brain circuit model.” In other words, psychiatrists
will use electricity instead of talk therapy and drugs to treat mental health
Monday, December 27, 2021
This Is What You Should Know Before Taking a Rapid COVID Test by Theresa Tamkins, BuzzFeed News Reporter
Last week, President Joe Biden announced that the US government
is buying 500 million at-home COVID tests for the nation. If you’ve tried to
buy or get a COVID test lately, you may have found long lines, empty shelves,
and a frustrating lack of availability in general.
This is happening as Omicron is making up the majority of new cases in
the country, including more than 90% in some parts of the US.
While increased test availability is a good thing, those
government-supplied, at-home COVID tests may not be available to request until
January and could take months to be distributed. And if you are able to get
your hands on rapid COVID tests, a lot of questions remain. How reliable are
they? When should you use them?
Here are some important things to know about at-home
COVID tests.
When should you use rapid COVID tests?
Rapid COVID tests are, well, rapidly becoming a way
of life in the US. After being absent in the US for much of the pandemic, they
are more widely available — and often sold out — in pharmacies and grocery
stores as well as online. The pro is that they give fast results — in about 15
minutes, allowing you to make quick changes in behavior if you get a positive
result. The con is that they may not be as accurate very early in an infection
compared with other tests, like a PCR, that can take a day or more to get
“Rapid tests are one of the most powerful tools that have not
really been utilized in a powerful way in this pandemic,” said longtime testing
advocate Dr. Michael Mina, a former Harvard epidemiologist who is now the chief
science officer of eMed, a digital platform that facilitates at-home testing.
“The government is in a position now where it’s bringing these tests forward,
and now is the time to start creating a strategy around how will they be most
effectively used,” he said Tuesday at
a press briefing.
You can take a COVID test for any reason at all, but
here are the times the FDA recommends you get tested, even if you have been
vaccinated: If you have COVID symptoms,
including cough, shortness of breath, fever, and other respiratory virus
symptoms. You have been within 6 feet of someone with a confirmed case of COVID
for a total of at least 15 minutes. (If you are unvaccinated, get tested right
away; if you are fully vaccinated, get tested within five to seven days after
exposure, according to the CDC.)
If you took part in high-risk activities, including any time you couldn’t
socially distance as recommended, such as when traveling, in crowded indoor
places, or attending large gatherings or mass events
Many people who are asymptomatic are now getting screening tests
for COVID at work, school, or before or after travel or events. Although
vaccines, especially when combined with a booster, are likely to protect
against hospitalizations and death due to the Omicron variant, “we know we will
continue to hear more about people who get infected who were vaccinated,” CDC
chief Rochelle Walensky said at a press briefing on Wednesday. “These people may get mild or asymptomatic
infections and could unknowingly spread those infections to others.”
Regardless of vaccination status, you should wear a mask in
public indoor settings. “I would encourage people to take an at-home COVID-19
test ahead of time to help protect you and your family and friends who may be
at greater risk of COVID-19 or severe outcomes,” Walensky said.
How many different at-home COVID tests are there?
There are now (at least) 11 over-the-counter antigen
tests, which are the rapid tests that you can buy, take yourself, and generally
cost about $20 to $35 for two — if you can find them. An antigen test detects
proteins produced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which can be picked up with a nasal
swab. Keep in mind that no test is perfect. Any given medical test is measured
by its sensitivity, or how good it is at picking up actual cases and not
generating false negatives, and specificity, how good it is at ruling out
people who aren’t sick and not generating false positives.
Here are some of the at-home antigen tests that have been
approved via the FDA’s emergency-use authorization:
BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test
iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test
Flowflex COVID-19 Antigen Home Test
BD Veritor At-Home COVID-19 Test
CareStart COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test/On/Go COVID-19
Antigen Self-Test
SCoV-2 Ag Detect Rapid Self-Test
InteliSwab COVID-19 Rapid Test
Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Home Test
Quidel QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test
Ellume COVID-19 Home Test
There are also over-the-counter molecular tests that
are similar to PCR and can detect the virus earlier than an antigen test, but
they cost more, Mina said. They include Detect, Cue Health, and Lucira, which
can be done at home, as well as other molecular tests that are done in doctor’s
offices. “Rapid molecular tests are slightly more sensitive, but they are a lot
more expensive,” Mina said. There are also fewer of them available. “It’s a
much more difficult technology to build than a rapid antigen test,” he said.
Are rapid COVID tests accurate and
In general, yes. But you should know that false
negatives are more likely to occur early on with rapid tests than with
laboratory tests, like PCR. False positives are much less common. However, the
chances of a false positive can vary by brand, ranging from one in 150 tests to
one in 5,000, said Mina. That said, if your rapid test gives a positive result,
you should assume you probably have COVID and isolate until you follow up with
another type of test, like PCR. Rapid tests are about 30% to 40% less sensitive than PCR tests,
and they are more accurate in people with symptoms than without symptoms.
In one study, a popular at-home rapid test had a sensitivity of
about 35% in asymptomatic people and 64% in people with symptoms when compared
with PCR but was around 100% accurate when it came to people who tested
positive for COVID, whether or not they had symptoms. In the study, there were
only a handful of false positives, all in asymptomatic people — but 47% were
false negatives compared with PCR.
These are still good tests! It’s not fair to compare
rapid tests you can do at home in 15 minutes to a lab-based result that might
be more accurate but takes a day or more (often many more) to get a result,
Mina said. You may just need to keep all that in mind when taking a rapid test
and know that taking multiple rapid tests is part of the strategy. “The test is
very good when it’s positive, but when negative may frequently give you a false
negative result,” said Dr. Stanley Weiss, a professor of biostatistics and
epidemiology at the Rutgers School of Public Health in New Jersey.
If you get a negative result, follow up with additional rapid
tests in a few days to see if it becomes positive, especially if you have
reason to believe that you were exposed or infected. Wait at least 24 hours for
your next test, according to the CDC,
but retesting a few days later can help you feel comfortable that a negative
result is a true negative. Mina recommends that if you start having symptoms,
assume you have Omicron and self-isolate. Take your first rapid test 24 hours
after symptoms start and test again two to three days later. When interpreting
and making decisions based on a test result, it’s a good idea to take into
account a person’s history of vaccination, mask use, exposures to others, and
their general likelihood of actually being COVID positive, Weiss said.
Can rapid tests detect the
Omicron variant?
Yes, that seems to be the case. “So far what we are
seeing is on a per viral particle basis the rapid tests are working as well today as they did with Delta earlier,” Mina said. It
makes sense that a variant might change the reliability of the tests used to
detect the virus and the FDA is asking manufacturers to test their products to make sure they work against Omicron and
future variants. The FDA said BinaxNow and Quidel QuickVue tests
can pick up Omicron, but they have also identified a few PCR-based tests that
don’t and have recommended that labs don’t use them.
If you do have COVID symptoms,
can it now take longer for tests to show a positive result than at the
beginning of the pandemic?
Yes, according to Mina. That’s because early in the
pandemic, humans had not been exposed to the virus previously and symptoms —
which are a sign the immune system recognizes and is fighting the virus — started
later in the timeline of infection.
Now that millions of people have either had COVID,
been vaccinated, or in some cases both, symptoms generally start sooner. (And
it’s clear that you can get COVID two or more times.)
“You're going to become symptomatic potentially within a day after exposure
because your immune system kicks in so early,” Mina said. He also noted that’s
why COVID symptoms have changed and now include congestion and runny nose.
“That’s your immunity working,” he said.
Is a lateral flow test the same thing
as an antigen test?
Not exactly. A lateral flow test is a specific type
where you dip a piece of paper in a liquid and after a few minutes one line
appears — a positive control to show the test is working — and another line
appears if the test is positive. While all rapid antigen tests currently on the
market for COVID are lateral flow tests, not all lateral flow tests are COVID
tests. For example, pregnancy tests also work in this way but use urine rather
than a nasal swab for testing.
Can a rapid test protect you from getting sick?
Not really. Rapid tests are more about protecting
other people, not making sure you don’t get the virus. (That’s what vaccines,
masks, and social distancing are all about.) However, when people get tested
before going to work, a party, school, or traveling, it helps protect everyone.
(Although it also helps you get treatment sooner, which is important because
almost all effective treatments for COVID are more likely to work the sooner
they are started.) Rapid testing is particularly good to help stop super spreaders of the virus, Mina said. “For somebody who’s really spewing out tons of virus
and is very likely to infect a lot of people, then the tests are more likely
95% or 98% sensitive for those individuals,” he said.