A writer must “know and have an ever-present consciousness that this world is a world of fools and rogues… tormented with envy, consumed with vanity; selfish, false, cruel, cursed with illusions… He should free himself of all doctrines, theories, etiquettes, politics…” —Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?). “The nobility of the writer's occupation lies in resisting oppression, thus in accepting isolation” —Albert Camus (1913-1960). “What are you gonna do” —Bertha Brown (1895-1987).
Background Facts on Contingent Faculty (from the American Association of University Professors)
term “contingent faculty” includes both part- and full-time non-tenure-track
common characteristic is that their institutions make little or no long-term
commitment to them.
includes positions that may be classified by the institution as adjuncts,
part-time lecturers, or graduate assistantships.
faculty in so-called “part-time” positions actually teach the equivalent
of a full-time course load.
one-fifth of part-time appointments are held by graduate student
employees, whose chances of obtaining tenure-track positions in the future
are increasingly uncertain.
To support
themselves, part-time faculty often commute between institutions and
prepare courses on a grueling timetable, making enormous sacrifices to
maintain interaction with their students.
faculty classified as part-time are typically paid by the course, without
benefits, many college teachers lack access to health insurance and
retirement plans.
part- and full-time non-tenure-track appointments are increasing:
positions of all types now account for over 70 percent of all instructional staff appointments in American
higher education.
majority of contingent faculty do not have professional careers outside of
academe, and most teach basic core courses rather than narrow specialties:
While a
small percentage of part-time faculty are specialists or practitioners of
a profession such as law or architecture and teach a class on the side,
this situation is the exception rather than the norm.
excessive use of, and inadequate compensation and professional support for,
contingent faculty exploits these colleagues:
that require comparable work, responsibilities, and qualifications should
be comparably compensated.
As the
Association recommended in 1993, compensation for part-time appointments
should be the applicable fraction of the compensation (including benefits)
for a comparable full-time position.
turn towards cheaper contingent labor is largely a matter of priorities rather
than economic necessity:
While many
institutions are currently suffering budget cuts, the greatest growth in
contingent appointments occurred during times of economic prosperity.
institutions have invested heavily in facilities and technology while
cutting instructional spending.
incoming students may find finer facilities, they are also likely to find
fewer full-time faculty with adequate time, professional support, and
resources available for their instruction.
use of contingent faculty has costs:
It damages
student learning, faculty governance, and academic freedom. Each of these
is an educational cost that institutions incur when they choose not to
invest adequately in their instructional missions.
contingent faculty members are excellent teachers and scholars:
But no
matter how qualified and dedicated, contingent faculty members are hobbled
in the performance of their duties by a lack of professional treatment and
Many lack
access to such basics as offices, computer support, and photocopying
reliance on contingent faculty hurts students:
faculty are typically paid only for the hours they spend in the classroom,
and they are often hired on the spur of the moment with little evaluation.
The high
turnover among contingent faculty members mean that some students may
never have the same teacher twice, or may be unable to find an instructor
who knows them well enough to write a letter of recommendation.
of contingent faculty hurts all faculty:
integrity of faculty work is threatened as parts of the whole are divided
and assigned piecemeal to instructors, lecturers, graduate students,
specialists, researchers, and administrators.
fewer tenure-track faculty means fewer people to divide up the work of
advising students, setting curriculum, and serving on college-wide
freedom is weakened when a majority of the faculty lack the protections of
insecure relationship between contingent faculty members and their
institutions can chill the climate for academic freedom, which is
essential to the common good of a free society.
faculty may be less likely to take risks in the classroom or in scholarly
and service work.
The free
exchange of ideas may be hampered by the fear of dismissal for unpopular
utterances, so students may be deprived of the debate essential to
They may
also be deprived of rigorous and honest evaluations of their work.
use of non-tenure-track appointments should be limited to specialized fields
and emergency situations:
While it
recognizes that current patterns of faculty appointment depart
substantially from the ideal, the Association affirms its 1980 and 1993
recommendations that no more than 15 percent of the total instruction
within an institution, and no more than 25 percent of the total
instruction within any department, should be provided by faculty with
non-tenure-track appointments.
governance responsibilities should be shared among all faculty, including those
appointed to part-time positions:
and other academic decisions benefit from the participation of all
faculty, especially those who teach core courses.
Faculty and
administrators should together determine the appropriate modes and levels
of participation in governance for part-time faculty, considering issues
such as voting rights, representation, and inclusion in committees and
governance bodies.
contingent appointments are used, they should include job security and due
process protections. Contingent faculty appointments, like all faculty
appointments, should include:
the full
range of faculty responsibilities (teaching, scholarship, service);
compensation for comparable work;
of continuing employment after a reasonable opportunity for successive
in institutional governance structures; and
and review processes that involve faculty peers and follow accepted
academic due process.
proportion of faculty appointments that are on the tenure line should be
increased. This can be done by:
the status of faculty members currently holding non-tenure-track
appointments. Individuals holding contingent appointments are offered
tenure-eligible reappointments;
new tenure-line appointments. New tenure-line positions are created and
open searches are held for candidates to fill them;
In both
cases, transition to a higher proportion of tenured faculty should be
accomplished primarily through attrition, retirements, and, where
appropriate “grandfathering” of currently contingent faculty into tenured
positions. Faculty in contingent positions should not bear the cost of
As far back as 1971, The Powell Memorandum spelled out very clearly the intentions of corporateers to 1) Organize themselves and they did to the likes of Heritage House and other think tanks in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce as well as other national organizations. 2) Gain political control - many of these wealthy businessmen began running for political office and took office eventually resulting in ALEC which is basically a ways and means to control voting, laws which reach down into individual states. This initial tribe of business elites passionately hated Ralph Nader. 3) Taking control of the Supreme Court. 4) Media control. 5) A well-orchestrate effort to dismantle higher education as we knew it.
“This essay reviews recent books and articles that examine the politics and economics of the restructuring of public universities in the United States. The author weaves the arguments together to point to several prominent trends: increased corporatization of university governance and increased dependence on the market for resources previously provided by the state, reduction of full-time faculty in favor of instructors and adjuncts, dramatic growth of administrative personnel, and mounting student debt. The history of these developments is explored by examining the roots of the political attacks on the public university”:
Cox, Ronald W. (2013) "The Corporatization of Higher Education," Class, Race and Corporate Power: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 8. Available at http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=classracecorporatepower
I would love to teach at a college or a university, but NO WAY would I attempt to apply for a position ALREADY HELD BY SOMEONE ELSE (so they'd get me cheaper). This is akin to being a scab. TFA has come to higher education, & it's not pretty. Oh, wait--I shouldn't be saying this--because next they WILL be hiring actual TFAs at colleges & universities. And how about what's been going on at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University? (They locked out the ENTIRE teaching faculty {locked their e-mail accounts, took them off their health insurance, locked them out of their offices & have thus far replaced them with administrators unqualified to teach the classes they had been assigned to {or--some classes had NO instructor}). Of course, this isn't a story told on msm--saw it on Democracy Now!last week. But--OMG!--Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt (& there was more). Now, THAT's an important story.
Sorry, but there are other choices than teaching.
ReplyDeleteThe number of high school and grammar school teachers available is dropping right now due to the new demands.
If I had to do it all over again, I would have made another choice.
From Beth Emma Goldman:
ReplyDeleteAs far back as 1971, The Powell Memorandum spelled out very clearly the intentions of corporateers to 1) Organize themselves and they did to the likes of Heritage House and other think tanks in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce as well as other national organizations. 2) Gain political control - many of these wealthy businessmen began running for political office and took office eventually resulting in ALEC which is basically a ways and means to control voting, laws which reach down into individual states. This initial tribe of business elites passionately hated Ralph Nader. 3) Taking control of the Supreme Court. 4) Media control. 5) A well-orchestrate effort to dismantle higher education as we knew it.
“This essay reviews recent books and articles that examine the politics and economics of the restructuring of public universities in the United States. The author weaves the arguments together to point to several prominent trends: increased corporatization of university governance and increased dependence on the market for resources previously provided by the state, reduction of full-time faculty in favor of instructors and adjuncts, dramatic growth of administrative personnel, and mounting student debt. The history of these developments is explored by examining the roots of the political attacks on the public university”:
Cox, Ronald W. (2013) "The Corporatization of Higher Education," Class, Race and Corporate Power: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 8.
Available at http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=classracecorporatepower
I would love to teach at a college or a university, but NO WAY would I attempt to apply for a position ALREADY HELD BY SOMEONE ELSE (so they'd get me cheaper). This is akin to being a scab. TFA has come to higher education, & it's not pretty. Oh, wait--I shouldn't be saying this--because next they WILL be hiring actual TFAs at colleges & universities.
ReplyDeleteAnd how about what's been going on at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University? (They locked out the ENTIRE teaching faculty {locked their e-mail accounts, took them off their health insurance, locked them out of their offices & have thus far replaced them with administrators unqualified to teach the classes they had been assigned to {or--some classes had NO instructor}). Of course, this isn't a story told on msm--saw it on Democracy Now!last week.
But--OMG!--Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt (& there was more).
Now, THAT's an important story.