1909 - Explorers
Peary and Henson reach the North Pole. German bacteriologist, Paul Ehrlich,
discovers a cure for syphilis. Theodore Roosevelt exits; William Howard
Taft is president.
1910 - Union
of South Africa is established. Mexican revolution begins. Boy Scouts of
America is incorporated. Halley’s comet is observed for the first time. Cubs Lose to Athletics in World Series
1911 - First
use of aircraft carrier in a war; U.S. Supreme Court finds Standard Oil Co.
and American Tobacco Co. in violation of Sherman Antitrust Act. British
physicist discovers structure of the atom.
1912 - The
unsinkable Titanic sinks. Girl Scouts of America is founded.
1913 -
Garment workers strike in New York and Boston. Sixteenth amendment (income
tax) adopted. Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr describe atomic structure. William
Howard Taft exits; Woodrow Wilson is president.
1914 -
World War I begins in Europe. Panama Canal opens. First traffic lights
are installed in Cleveland.
1915 -
Lusitania is sunk by German submarine. Genocide of approximately 600,000 to
1,000,000 Armenians by Turkish soldiers. Georgia accepts charter for
establishment of the Ku Klux Klan.
1916 -
Battle of Verdun is fought. Einstein completes his formulation of a general
theory of relativity.
1917 -
U.S. enters World War I. World-wide influenza pandemic strikes. Chicago
White Sox are in World Series and defeat the New York Giants.
1918 -
World War I ends. Russian revolutionaries execute former czar and his
family. Daylight Savings time goes into effect. Pulitzer Prizes in Poetry,
Fiction and Drama debut. Cubs Lose to Red Sox in World Series.
1919 -
Treaty of Versailles; 18th amendment (prohibition) adopted. Dial
telephones are introduced.
1920 - 19th
amendment (Woman’s suffrage) ratified.
1921 - First
burial is held at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Arlington National
Cemetery. Woodrow Wilson exits; William G. Harding is president.
1922 -
Mussolini marches on Rome; forms fascist government/
1923 -
Earthquake destroys 1/3 of Tokyo. William G. Harding exits; Calvin Coolidge
is elected president.
1924 -
Stalin gains power; rules as Soviet dictator until death in 1953.
1925 -
John Logie Baird transmits human features by television. Tennessee
schoolteacher John T. Scopes is arrested for teaching the theory of
evolution, forbidden by state law.
1926 -
Anti-freeze allows people to use cars year-around.
1927 -
Charles Lindbergh makes first solo transatlantic flight. Physicist, Werner
Heisenberg, introduces “Uncertainty Principle.” Georges Lemaitre proposes
Big Bang Theory.
1928 -
General Electric introduces a 3” X 4” television screen.
1929 -
Stock Market crashes: U.S. securities plummet $26 billion. Depression
begins. Calvin Coolidge exits; Herbert Hoover is president. Cubs Lose to Athletics in World Series.
1930 - Hitler’s
Nazi Party gains majority in parliament.
1931 - Japan
occupies Manchuria. Star Spangled Banner officially becomes anthem.
1932 - Amelia
Earhart is the first woman to fly solo over Atlantic. Physicists, Sir John
Douglas Cockcroft and Ernest Walton, split the atom. Herbert Hoover exits;
Franklin D. Roosevelt is president. Cubs Lose to Yankees in World Series.
1933 - Hindenburg appoints
Hitler chancellor. Nazi terrorism begins. Prohibition repealed. Glass Steagall
Act bans banks from dealing with stocks and bonds.
1934 - Hindenburg
dies; Hitler appoints himself Fuehrer. Dust storms ruin about 100 million
acres and damage another 200 million acres of cropland in Kansas, Texas,
Colorado and Oklahoma.
1935 -
Mussolini invades Ethiopia. Nazis enact laws against the Jews. Cubs Lose to Tigers in World Series.
1936 -
Germany and Italy sign Axis Treaty. War between Japan and China begin.
First successful helicopter flight.
1937 -
Hindenburg explodes.
1938 -
British Prime Minister Chamberlain agrees that Hitler can have
Czechoslovakia. Hitler marches into Austria. Cubs Lose to Yankees in World Series.
1939 -
World War II starts in Europe; in just five weeks Poland surrenders to
- Germany invades Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and France. Selective
Service Act signed. The First Social Security benefit checks are paid.
1941 -
Germany invades Russia; Japanese attack Pearl Harbor – U.S. declares war on
Japan. Germany declares war on U.S.
1942 -
Nazi leaders plan the systematic genocide of the Jews. More than 120,000
Japanese Americans are sent to “relocation centers.” The U.S. government
establishes the Manhattan Project, led by Robert Oppenheimer to build an
atomic bomb.
1943 -
Mussolini is disposed. U.S. government withholds taxes on wages.
1944 - Soviet
troops now in Poland – Allies land in Italy at Anzio; Allies invade Europe
– D-Day
1945 - Germany Surrenders; U.N.
Charter Signed; atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan
surrenders. Franklin D. Roosevelt exits; Harry S. Truman is president. Cubs Lose to Tigers in World Series.
1946 -
First meeting of United Nations. Nuremberg Trials. First automatic
electronic digital computer.
Jackie Robinson becomes first African American major league baseball
player. Communist Parties gain control of rest of Soviet occupied Europe.
Truman Doctrine proposes containment of communist expansion.
1948 -
Gandhi is assassinated. Israel proclaimed. Albert Camus publishes The
1949 -
NATO established. The Soviet Union begin testing atomic weapons.
1950 - Korean War begins. McCarthy
Hearings begin. Truman orders development of the Hydrogen Bomb.
1951- 22nd
Amendment, prohibiting more than two presidential terms
1952 -
U.S. explodes first thermonuclear bomb.
1953 - Korean armistice. U.S.
provides military aid to France to suppress Vietnam freedom fighters. Harry
S. Truman exits; Dwight D. Eisenhower is president.
1954 -
Vietnam is divided at 17th parallel. Brown v. Board of
Education bans racial discrimination.
1955 -
U.S. begins economic aid to South Vietnam. Montgomery Bus Boycott; Martin Luther
King becomes prominent. Rosa Parks refuses to sit at the back of a bus.
1956 - Anti-Communist revolution
in Hungary brutally suppressed by Soviet troops. U.S. tests Hydrogen Bomb.
1957 -
Gov. Faubus of Arkansas uses National Guard troops to prevent
de-segregation of Little Rock High School. Eisenhower federalizes troops
and forces de-segregation. Congress passes Civil Rights Act prohibiting
discrimination in public.
1958 - U.S.
Supreme Court rules that schools must integrate. First Xerox machine.
Soviets launch “Sputnik”; first trans-Atlantic jet passenger service.
1959 - Alaska and Hawaii become
states. Castro comes to power in Cuba. Chicago White Sox are in the World
Series but lose to the L.A. Dodgers.
- Lunch counter sit ins begin in South (beginning of “Civil Rights
1961 - US
increase involvement in Vietnam. U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba.
U.S. supports abortive “Bay of Pigs” invasion of Cuba. Berlin Wall
constructed. Dwight D. Eisenhower exits; John F. Kennedy is president.
1962 -
Cuban Missile Crisis. Military coup (with U.S. approval) overthrows Diem in
1963 -
Kennedy is assassinated; Lyndon B. Johnson is president. Martin Luther King’s
“I Have a Dream” speech in Washington D.C.
1964 - U.S. Destroyer allegedly
attacked in Gulf of Tonkin. Congress resolves that President Johnson
given authority to use all power to repel attacks on U.S. forces. This
resolution formed basis for massive escalation of U.S. military action in
Vietnam without declaration of war. China detonates atomic bomb. Beatles
come to America.
1965 - First
combat troops in Vietnam: massive escalation of U.S. military effort,
combined with nightly TV coverage of war and opposition of liberal news
media. Anti-war demonstrations become wide spread. Six days of Race Riots
in Watts area of L.A.
1966 -
Medicare commences. Supreme Court protects right of accused, Miranda v.
1967 - Vietnam war continues to
escalate. Thurgood Marshall becomes first African American on U.S. Supreme
Court. First heart transplant. Racial violence spreads.
1968 - North Vietnam launch the Tet
Offensive. My Lai massacre, (Lt. Calley convicted in 1971). Martin Luther
King is assassinated; Robert Kennedy is assassinated.
1969 - U.S./Vietnam peace talks
start. 500,000+ people attend Woodstock (I didn’t). Neil Armstrong
and Buzz Aldrin take a stroll on the moon. Lyndon B. Johnson exits; Richard
Nixon is president. NY Mets dash Cubs' playoff hopes.

1970 - U.S. President
Richard Nixon orders an invasion of Cambodia, widening the war in Vietnam.
In protest, millions march across the U.S. University campuses are shut
down by student strikes. Four protestors at Kent State University in Ohio
are killed by National Guard troops. Four hundred and forty-eight universities
and colleges closed or on strike in protest against war. The Beatles break up.
- U.S. Supreme Court rules unanimously that busing students may be ordered
to achieve racial desegregation of schools. Anti-war militants attempt to
shut down government in Washington. As many as 12,000 are arrested. Most
are later released. The Pentagon
Papers are published detailing the military's secret, negative
assessment of the Vietnam War. War between India and Pakistan begins.
Apollo 15 lands on the moon and uses the Lunar Rover vehicle for the first
time. The microprocessor – the foundation of today's computers – is
- Five men are caught breaking in to the Watergate Complex where the Democratic
Party offices are – the start of the Watergate Scandal. Eleven Israeli
athletes ae killed at the Munich Olympic Games. Five terrorists and one
policeman are also killed. U.S. planes bomb North Vietnam on Christmas Day.
- U.S. signs peace pact and troops pull out of Vietnam. Bombing of Cambodia
stops, ending 12 years of U.S. combat in Southeast Asia. U.S. Supreme Court
rules on Roe v. Wade, legalizing abortion.
The mobile phone is invented.
- The House Judiciary Committee indicts President Richard Nixon for
impeachment over the Watergate Scandal. In August, Nixon resigns his
office, the first president to do so. Vice President Gerald Ford is president.
- North Vietnamese enter Saigon. The last group of Americans are evacuated
by helicopter at the last minute from the roof of the embassy. The War in
Vietnam is over. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge take over in Cambodia and
begin a blood bath. Apollo
and Soyuz spacecraft link
up in space, marking the cooperation between the U.S. and Soviets. Bill
Gates and Paul Allen found the Microsoft corporation. The Altair becomes
the first widely available personal computer running Microsoft's BASIC
- The Supreme Court rules that the death penalty is not inherently cruel or
unusual punishment, so it's a constitutionally acceptable form of
punishment. The Viking 2 spacecraft lands on Mars. Apple Computer is
founded by Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak. (Glen Brown spends the summer
traveling through 11 countries in Europe). Exit Ford; Carter is president.
- Scientists report genetic engineering techniques to make insulin. Elvis
Presley is found dead. Nuclear proliferation pact that curbs the spread of
nuclear weapons is signed by 15 countries, including the U.S. and USSR. The
movie Star Wars is released
to great acclaim and box office. Gerald Ford exits; Jimmy Carter is president.
- Egypt's president Anwar Sadat and Israeli premier Menachem Begin sign a
"Framework for Peace" after meeting for 13 days with Jimmy Carter
at Camp David. Later they win the Nobel Peace Prize. Cult leader Jim Jones'
followers commit mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. The world's first
test-tube baby is born.
- In Iran, the Shah leaves the country after years of turmoil. Exiled
Muslim leader Ayatollah Khomeini returns and declares an Islamic republic. Saddam
Hussein becomes president of neighboring Iraq. At Three Mile Island, New
York, a nuclear power plant comes close to melting down and releases some
radiation into the atmosphere. In November, Iranian militants seize the
U.S. embassy in Tehran and hold hostages. In December, Soviet troops invade
Afghanistan to prop up a Communist leader.
- In response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, President Carter
imposes an embargo on grain shipments to the USSR
and boycotts the Moscow Olympics. The Iranian hostage crisis deepens. The
U.S. breaks diplomatic ties with Iran. Eight Americans are killed when
helicopters collide in a rescue mission. Iraq invades Iran and an
eight-year war ensues. John Lennon of the Beatles is shot dead in New York
- An agreement frees 52 hostages held in Tehran since 1979. Anwar Sadat
assassinated in Egypt. Hosni Mubarak becomes president. Exit Carter; Reagan
is president. In the U.S., President Reagan is wounded by gunshots, and in
Rome Pope John Paul II is wounded. President Reagan nominates Judge Sandra
Day O'Connor as the first woman on the Supreme Court. The first cases of
AIDS are identified. Xerox markets the first mouse as an integrated part of
a personal computer. Jimmy Carter exits; Ronald Reagan is president.
- Great Britain defeats Argentina in a war over the isolated Falkland
Islands. Israel invades Lebanon to attach the PLO, the Palestine Liberation
Organization. The Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution fails to
gain ratification. The Vietnam Memorial opens in Washington, designed by a
young Maya Linn. Initially controversial, it becomes a beloved memorial.
- Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space. President
Reagan announces his plans for a missile defense plan called Star Wars. A
terrorist explosion in Beirut kills 237 U.S. Marines. The U.S. invades the
tiny island of Grenada.
- In protest of the Olympic boycott of four years before, the Soviets boycott
the Los Angeles Olympics. The monopoly Bell Telephone System is broken up
into smaller, regional companies.
Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
is assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards. A thousand Sikhs are killed in
riots. Toxic gas leaks from a Union Carbide chemical plant in Bhopal,
India, killing 2,000 and injuring 150,000. Apple introduces the Macintosh
personal computer with a graphical user interface. Cubs lose to Padres in playoffs.
- Soviet leader Konstantin Chernenko dies and is replaced by a young
Mikhail Gorbachev. He calls for reforms in the Soviet Union. In October,
Reagan and Gorbachev meet in a summit and agree to step up arms control talks
and renew cultural contacts. There are a series of terrorist attacks on
airplanes and a cruise ship. Scientists announce the discovery of hole in
the ozone layer over the Antarctic.
- An explosion in the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl in the USSR spreads
radiation over Russia and Europe, forcing the evacuation of 135,000 people.
The space shuttle Challenger explodes after launch from Cape Canaveral
killing all seven aboard. U.S. House kills Reagan's Star Wars anti-missile
program. Secret initiative to send arms to Iran revealed. Reagan denies
exchanging arms for hostages, but halts the arms sales. Later the diversion
of funds to the conservative Nicaraguan Contras is revealed. Nintendo
introduces the hand-held Game Boy.
- The Iran-Contra scandal implicates aides close the President Reagan.
Reagan accepts responsibility. The world's population hits 5 billion. DNA
is used in a criminal court case for the first time.
- An explosion on a plane kills Pakistani president Mohammad Zia ul-Haq.
Benazir Bhutto is chosen to lead Pakistan, the first Islamic woman prime
minister. A terrorist bomb destroys a Pan-Am 747 over Lockerbie, Scotland,
killing 259 on board and 11 on the ground. First computer virus is
- In response to massive protests, the East German government allows their
citizens to cross into West Berlin. The Berlin Wall is torn down. In
Poland, the political party and union Solidarity wins a landslide victory
over the Communists in the country's first free elections. In Hungary, the
parliament enacts democratic reforms and pressures the Soviets to pull out
their troops. Czech parliament ends Communist domination. Romanian
demonstrators overthrow the Communist government. President Ceausescu and
his wife are executed. In China, more than a million demonstrate in
Tiananmen Square for more democracy. Chinese Army attacks and thousands are
killed. The oil tanker Exxon Valdez runs aground and spills 11 million
gallons of crude oil in Alaska. The Soviet Union withdraws its troops from
Afghanistan. Ronald Reagan exits; George Bush is president. Cubs lose to Giants in playoffs.

- Iraq invades Kuwait and seizes oil assets, igniting the Persian Gulf War.
East and West Germany are reunited. The Cold War is officially ended as the
U.S. and USSR negotiate arms accords. Nelson Mandela is freed after 27
years as a political prisoner in South Africa. Leaders of 34 European nations
proclaim a united Europe. Tim Berners-Lee submits his proposal for the
World Wide Web. The Hubble Space Telescope is launched.
- The U.S. and allies win the Persian Gulf War against Iraq, but stop short
of invading Baghdad.
Communist hard-liners attempt to
overthrow Gorbachev, but the coup fails. Gorbachev resigns as President.
The USSR dissolves into 15 separate republics. The Warsaw Pact for military
protection is dissolved. Boris Yeltsin is elected as the president of the
Russian Republic. South African parliament overturns apartheid laws.
- Presidents Bush and Yeltsin declare a formal end to the Cold War. President
Bush pardons former Reagan administration officials involved in the
Iran-Contra affair. Bill Clinton is elected president of the United States.
Los Angeles erupts in riots after Rodney King is videotaped being beaten by
- The European Union is ratified. American soldiers die in Mogadishu,
Somalia. Rwandan genocide begins in Africa. The U.S. becomes involved in
trying to stop the ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia. Fire kills 72
religious cult members outside of Waco Texas. President Boris Yeltsin's
forces crush a revolt in the Russian Parliament. NAFTA, the North American
Free Trade Act, becomes law. South Africa adopts a majority rule
constitution. Nokia sends text messages between mobile phones. George Bush
exits; Bill Clinton is president.
- Ethnic cleansing continues in the former Yugoslavia. In Rwanda, Hutu
militias kill up to a million Tutsis in their campaign of genocide. South
Africa holds their first interracial, one-man-one-vote election and Nelson
Mandela is elected president. Russia attacks the republic of Chechnya after
Muslims there attempt to secede. O. J. Simpson is arrested for the killings
of his wife and her friend Ronald Goldman. Major league baseball players
strike and the World Series is cancelled.
The Hubble Space Telescope first
finds evidence of black holes in the universe. The find is confirmed in
- Timothy McVeigh bombs the Oklahoma City federal building in retaliation
for the Branch Dividian standoff in 1993. He's caught and put on trial for
murder. Fighting escalates in Bosnia and Croatia. At the end of the year,
combatants sign the Bosnian peace treaty. O. J. Simpson is found not guilty
of murdering his wife and friend. In Israel, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin
is killed at a peace rally.
Sony demonstrates a flat screen TV.
- Taliban Muslim fundamentalists capture Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
Later al-Qaeda terrorist training camps are set up. Iraqi troops fire on
Kurdish positions in the north of the country. The U.S. warns Iraq, attacks
Iraq's air defenses and declares a "No Fly" zone in the north of
the country. Refugees in Rwanda and Burundi are caught up in new fighting
and killings.
- Princess Diana is killed with two others in a Paris car crash. U.S. space
shuttle docks with Russian space station. Another spacecraft begins sending
back pictures from Mars. O. J. Simpson is found "liable" in a
civil suit arising from the murder of his wife. Timothy McVeigh sentenced
to death for the Oklahoma City bombing. Scottish scientists clone a sheep
named Dolly.
1998 - President Bill Clinton is accused
of having sex with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. He denies the
charges, then admits to the affair. An independent counsel brings charges
against Clinton, and the House impeaches him for lying and obstructing
justice. In Northern Ireland, the Good Friday Accords promise peace and
political power sharing. Violence in the former Yugoslavia continues until
NATO reaches a settlement with President Milosevic in October. Google
introduces their search engine to the Web. Though anti-impotence drug Viagra is
introduced to the market, Cubs lose to Braves in playoffs.
- The U. S. Senate acquits President Clinton of impeachment charges. NATO
air strikes move to Kosovo. In May, Serbs agree to pull troops out of Kosovo.
Two teenagers kill 15 students, including themselves, at Columbine Colorado
High School. Israeli prime minister Ehub Barak and PLO leader Yasir Arafat
announce peace accord. World population reaches 6 billion. Tobacco
companies admit that their products harm smokers. The Y2K Scare raises the
possibility that databases all over the world – including in U.S. military
computers – would go haywire because they were designed to recognize only
two digits in dates.
- The Y2K Scare fizzles. Nothing blows up. Palestinian and Israeli violence
explodes into the "intifada." In one of the closest, contested
elections on record, George W. Bush defeats Al Gore for President. Before
it's over, Florida begins a recount of ballots, but the Supreme Court halts
the recount. The human genome sequence is deciphered opening up new
possibilities in medicine.
High prices for Internet company
stocks tumble as the "Dot-Com Bubble" bursts. USS Cole
bombing in Yemen.
- Bill Clinton exits; George W. Bush is president. On September 11,
terrorists attack the World Trade Center in New York. The twin towers are
hit by two jet airliners and collapse. Over 3,000 are killed. Another plane
hits the Pentagon, and a fourth crashes in Pennsylvania. President Bush
declares a war on terror and begins bombing Afghanistan. Troops are
deployed and the Taliban government collapses. Letters laced with the
poison Anthrax are mailed to media and government offices. Several die
after handling the letters. The epidemic of foot and mouth disease in
British livestock reaches crisis proportions. The Kyoto Protocol global warming
treaty is approved by 178 nations, but not by the U.S., one of the largest
emitters of greenhouse gases. Enron Corporation, one of the world's largest
energy companies, files for bankruptcy. Half of all Americans now use the
Internet. Apple's iPod becomes the best-selling MP3 player in the world. Invasion of
Afghanistan Operation "Enduring
- Israeli tanks and warplanes attack West Bank towns in retaliation for 14
suicide bombing incidents. WorldCom admits it falsified profit statements
and files for bankruptcy. A defrocked priest named John Geoghan in
convicted of child molestation. The church's role in covering up the crime
sparks outrage. U.S. bishops adopt a zero tolerance policy for priests who
abuse children. Boston archbishop Cardinal Bernard Law resigns over the
scandal. PC sales pass the one billion mark. Department of
Homeland Security created. U.S. withdraws from Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty.
- In his State of the Union address, President Bush announces he is ready
to attack Iraq even without UN agreements. He does. In March, the U.S. and
Britain launch war against Iraq. Within a month, Baghdad falls. By July,
the war is costing $3.9 billion a month. Saddam Hussein's sons are killed
in a firefight, but their father remains at large. In December, Saddam
Hussein himself is captured by American troops. In May, Bush signs a
10-year, $350 billion tax cut, the third largest tax cut in U.S. history. The
space shuttle Columbia explodes killing all seven astronauts. Israel
retaliates for suicide bombings by killing top members of Hamas. Other
militant Palestinian groups formally withdraw from a cease fire. Bush's
"road map" to peace collapses. Cubs lose to Marlins in playoffs; ignorant Cubs fans blame a young man for reaching for a foul ball.

- Iraq weapons investigator David Kay resigns saying there is no evidence
that Iraq ever had weapons of mass destruction – one of the main reasons
Bush put forward for invading. U.S. media release graphic photos of
American soldiers abusing and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at the
Abu Ghraib prison. Protests erupt all over the world. In June, the U.S.
hands over power to an Iraqi interim government led by Iyad Allawi. The
Senate intelligence committee criticizes the intelligence reports used to
justify the war. A special commission criticizes the government's handling
of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In November, U.S. troops launch
attacks on Falluja. Sudanese rebels and the government reach accord to end
the 21-year-old civil war, but in a separate war in western Darfur region
the killing continues. The UN Security Council demands the Sudanese government
disarm militias in Darfur. Pakistani nuclear scientist A. Q. Khan admits he
sold nuclear weapons designs to other countries, including North Korea,
Iran and Libya. UN weapons inspectors tell Iran to stop enriching uranium.
Iran claims they are building only peaceful uses for nuclear power. Enormous
tsunami devastates Asia. At least 225,000 are killed. Social networking Web
site Facebook takes off.
- Saddam Hussein goes on trial for the killing of 143 civilians in the town
of Dujail. The number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq reaches 2,000. Hurricane
Katrina destroys much of the Gulf Coast, flooding New Orleans. More than
1,000 die and hundreds of thousands are left homeless. Americans are shaken
not just by the magnitude of the damage but also by the ineptitude of
government to alleviate the suffering. The European Union abandons plans to
ratify the proposed European constitution by 2006 after both France and the
Netherlands vote against it. Former Tehran mayor and hard-line conservative
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is elected President of Iran. He defiantly pursues
Iran's nuclear ambitions. London is hit by Islamic terrorist bombings, killing
52 people and wounding 700. The Irish Republican Army announces it is
officially ending its violent campaign for a unified Ireland and will
instead pursue its goals through the political process. President Bush
signs CAFTA, the Central American Free Trade Agreement, with Costa Rica,
the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. YouTube
posts its first videos. Chicago White Sox win the World Series, winning 11 games out of 12 in the playoffs. White Sox final record: 110 wins, 64 losses!

- In January, President Bush announces he will send a "surge" of
20,000 more troops to Iraq in addition to the 130,000 already there. In
Iraq, violence between different sects increases. The UN estimates that
more than 34,000 Iraqi civilians are killed in 2006 alone as a result of
the fighting. There were also 300 U.S. soldiers killed in 2006. [By the end
of 2009 the total is up over 4,000.] In November, Saddam Hussein is found
guilty of crimes against humanity. He is hanged at the end of the year. Iran
removes United Nations' seals from its uranium enrichment plant and
production of the fuel is resumed. President Ahmadinejad insists the
research is for peaceful purposes, but he also threatens to wipe Israel
"off the map." Sanctions are strengthened. The Danish and
Norwegian embassies in Damascus are set on fire in protest for a Danish
newspaper's cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammad, the founder of Islam.
Images of Mohammad are forbidden under Islamic tradition.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore
releases the documentary An
Inconvenient Truth chronicling the science and potential damages of
climate change and global warming. Later the film wins the Academy Award
for best documentary. The Chinese government builds the "Great
Firewall of China" to censor the Internet before it reaches its
citizens. On May 28, major league baseball player Barry Bonds hits his
715th home run, passing Babe Ruth and closing in on Hank Aaron. But the
record is tainted because, two months earlier, a book alleged that Bonds
had used performance-enhancing drugs.
- The subprime mortgage collapse begins as prices for homes collapse; banks
try to foreclose and financial companies begin to file for bankruptcy. By
November foreclosure filings are up 68 percent over the same month the previous
year. Eventually the crisis will reach around the world. At a hearing at
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed confesses to planning the
September 11 Al Qaeda attacks on the World Trade Center. He also claims
responsibility for a number of other terrorist acts. China has become the
world's biggest exporter, but a rash of defective products have hurt its
reputation and business. Former Vice President Al Gore and the UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater
knowledge about man-made climate change." At the end of June, Apple
Computer releases the "iPhone." The device can surf the Web, take
pictures, play back music using iTunes, send and receive e-mail and ...
make calls. In just over two months, 1 million iPhones are sold. A student
shoots and kills 32 other students and professors in the Virginia Tech massacre
before shooting himself. It is the worst mass-shooting in U.S. history and
spurs a series of debates on gun control and journalism ethics. Cubs lose to Diamondbacks in playoffs.

- While American troops are concentrated in Iraq, violence in Afghanistan
is on the rise with the resurgence of the Taliban and al-Qaeda. In May, the
California State Supreme Court strikes down the state's ban on same-sex
marriages as unconstitutional. A month later, the state begins issuing
marriage licenses, the second state to do so, after Massachusetts. However,
in November voters pass a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex
marriages. Wall Street experiences what many experts label as the biggest
economic disaster since the Great Depression. It's fueled by an ongoing,
multi-billion-dollar mortgage crisis. Lehman Brothers collapses. AIG,
American International Group, the country's largest insurance company,
files for bankruptcy despite an $85 billion bailout. Washington Mutual is
sold to JP Morgan Chase. In October, President Bush signs a $700 billion
rescue plan for the banks. In December, Bush signs a $17.4 billion rescue
package for ailing auto makers General Motors and Chrysler. The Big Three
CEOs blame their problems on the growing global economic crisis, but
critics charge they were too slow to produce fuel-efficient cars. On
October 3 – exactly 13 years after he was acquitted of murder – O. J.
Simpson is found guilty of 12 charges, including armed robbery and
kidnapping. He is sentenced to nine years in prison. Activists in Egypt use
Facebook to rally for democracy. Cubs lose to Dodgers in playoffs....
Cubs are swept by the NY Mets in 2015...

CUBS BEAT INDIANS 8-7 IN WORLD SERIES GAME 7 ON NOVEMBER 2, 2016: "The Cubs' championship
drought lasted 39,466 days, spanning the terms of 19 U.S. presidents and
generations of Cubs fans that endured decades of expecting the worst while
cheering for a franchise tagged as lovable losers."
As a Sox Fan, it's difficult to relate to the Cub Debacle.
ReplyDeleteYou skipped March 30, 1945.
ReplyDeleteKen Previti was born which was a harbinger of the end of World War II.