Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Scientists sound the alarm as new study predicts dire consequences of human activity: "The power to wipe out entire landscapes"


Our overheating planet may cross a dangerous threshold in the coming years, with one new study warning that the Arctic may be "transformed beyond contemporary recognition" if warming continues as expected.

What's happening?

Researchers behind a new study have outlined the impacts if Earth's temperature rises by 4.9 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century (compared to pre-industrial temperatures). This threshold is expected to be reached even with countries' pledges to curb pollution.

"Our paper shows that, already today, mankind has the power to wipe out entire landscapes from the surface of our planet," said the study's co-author, Dirk Notz, a professor for polar research at the University of Hamburg, per SciTechDaily.

Notz continued, "It'd be amazing if we could become more aware of this power and the responsibility that goes with it, as the future of the Arctic truly lies in our hands."

Why is warming in the Arctic important?

The Arctic is bearing the brunt of warming around the world, with temperatures in the region rising four times faster than the rest of Earth. The study suggests that the warming projected to occur will have dire impacts across the Arctic, endangering wildlife and entire ecosystems.

"Virtually every day of the year would have air temperatures higher than pre-industrial extremes, the Arctic Ocean would be essentially ice-free for several months in summer, the area of Greenland that reaches melting temperatures for at least a month would roughly quadruple, and the area of permafrost would be roughly half of what it was in pre-industrial times," noted the study, which was published by Science.

The authors continued, "These geophysical changes go along with widespread ecosystem disruptions and infrastructure damage, which, as we show here, could be substantially reduced by increased efforts to limit global warming ."

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recently reported another key threshold has been reached in the Arctic. The agency's 2024 Arctic Report Card cautioned that the region releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than it stores.

What's being done about the rapid rise in temperatures in the Arctic?

Scientists are using a powerful new AI tool to help forecast future changes in Arctic sea ice up to at least a year in advance. The projections from this groundbreaking model will help policy-makers make critical decisions about how to best protect this important region.

Preventing the century-end warming projected in the study will require a concerted effort to cool our planet, including a concerted move away from dirty energy sources and toward cleaner, cheaper options.

But as individuals, there are plenty of things we can all do to keep our planet cooler. Installing solar panels , opting for induction stoves instead of conventional ranges, and choosing an EV for the next vehicle purchase are all examples of things we can do. Many of these upgrades, like installing solar panels , can also help you reduce your energy bills.

-Timothy McGill, Newsbreak

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