Wednesday, February 6, 2013

from the State Address by Governor Pat Quinn

“…And we cannot allow our economic recovery to be held hostage by the pension crisis. We simply must act. Our vision for our Illinois cannot be fully realized without pension reform. This problem cannot be delayed, deferred, or delegated to the next session… to the next generation.

“President Cullerton, thank you for recognizing this, and thank you for your leadership in providing us a path forward through Senate Bill 1, a comprehensive bill that stabilizes our pension systems and fixes the problem.

And thank you, Leader Tom Cross and Representative Elaine Nekritz for working together on a bi-partisan basis to make sure that pension reform is Job One for this General Assembly. I urge all of you to be part of the solution.

“And while refinements may come, Senate Bill 1 is the best vehicle to get the job done…” (Governor Quinn).

We already know that SB 1, Pt. A, is unconstitutional. Please review Modification of Contract Principles (Cullerton's SB 1, Pt. B) COLA or Health Insurance from paragraph two onward.

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