Since right-wing insurrectionists stormed
the Capitol on January 6 with the vague but violent idea of
taking over the government, observers are paying renewed attention to the
threat of right-wing violence in our midst. For all our focus on fighting socialism and
communism, right-wing authoritarianism is actually quite an old threat in our
country. The nation’s focus on fighting “socialism” began in 1871, but what
its opponents stood against was not government control of the means of
production—an idea that never took hold in America—but the popular public
policies which cost tax dollars and thus made wealthier people pay for
programs that would benefit everyone. Public benefits like highways and
hospitals, opponents argued, amounted to a redistribution of wealth, and thus
were a leftist assault on American freedom. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries that fight against “socialism” took the form of opposition to
unionization and Black rights. In the 1920s, after the Bolshevik Revolution
in Russia had given shape to the American fear of socialism, making sure that
system never came to America meant destroying the government regulation put
in place during the Progressive Era and putting businessmen in charge of the
government. When Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt
established business regulation, a basic social safety net, and
government-funded infrastructure in the 1930s to combat the Great Depression
that had laid ordinary Americans low, one right-wing senator wrote to a colleague:
“This is despotism, this is tyranny, this is the annihilation of liberty….
The ordinary American is thus reduced to the status of a robot. The president
has not merely signed the death warrant of capitalism, but has ordained the
mutilation of the Constitution, unless the friends of liberty, regardless of
party, band themselves together to regain their lost freedom.” The roots of modern right-wing extremism lie
in the post-World War II reaction to FDR’s New Deal and the Republican
embrace of it under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Opponents of an active
government insisted that it undermined American liberty by redistributing tax
dollars from hardworking white men to those eager for a handout—usually Black
men, in their telling. Modern government, they insisted, was bringing
socialism to America. They set out to combat it, trying to slash the
government back to the form it took in the 1920s. Their job got easier after 1987, when the
Fairness Doctrine ended. That Federal Communications Commission policy had
required public media channels to base their stories on fact and to present
both sides of a question. When it was gone, talk radio took off, hosted by
radio jocks like Rush Limbaugh who contrasted their ideal country with what
they saw as the socialism around them: a world in which hardworking white men
who took care of their wives and children were hemmed in by government that
was taxing them to give benefits to lazy people of color and “Feminazis.”
These “Liberals” were undermining the country and the family, aided and
abetted by lawmakers building a big government that sucked tax dollars. In August 1992,
the idea that hardworking white men trying to take care of their families
were endangered by an intrusive government took shape at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.
Randy Weaver, a former factory worker who had moved his family to northern
Idaho to escape what he saw as the corruption of American society, failed to
show up for trial on a firearms charge. When federal marshals tried to arrest
him, a firefight left Weaver’s fourteen-year-old son and a deputy marshal
dead. In the aftermath of the shooting, federal and local officers laid an
11-day siege to the Weavers’ cabin, and a sniper wounded Weaver and killed
his wife, Vicki. Right-wing activists and neo-Nazis from a
nearby Aryan Nations compound swarmed to Ruby Ridge to protest the
government’s attack on what they saw as a man protecting his family.
Negotiators eventually brought Weaver out, but the standoff at Ruby Ridge
convinced western men they had to arm themselves to fight off the government. In February of the next year, during the
Democratic Bill Clinton administration, the same theme played out in Waco,
Texas, when officers stormed the compound of a religious cult whose former
members reported that their leader, David Koresh, was stockpiling weapons. A
gun battle and a fire ended the 51-day siege on April 19, 1993. Seventy-six people died. While a Republican investigation cited
“overwhelming evidence” that exonerated the government of wrongdoing, talk
radio hosts nonetheless railed against the Democratic administration,
especially Attorney General Janet Reno, for the events at Waco. What happened
there fit neatly into what was by then the Republican narrative of an
overreaching government that crushed individuals, and political figures
harped on that idea. Rush Limbaugh stoked his listeners’ anger
with reports of the “Waco invasion” and talked of the government’s “murder”
of citizens, making much of the idea that a group of Christians had been
killed by a female government official who was single and— as opponents made
much of— unfeminine (reactionary rocker Ted Nugent featured an obscene
caricature of her for years in his stage version of “Kiss My Glock”). Horrified by the government’s attempt to
break into the cult’s compound, Alex Jones, who would go on to become an
important conspiracy theorist and founder of InfoWars, dropped
out of community college to start a talk show on which he warned that Reno
had “murdered” the people at Waco and that the government was about to impose
martial law. The modern militia movement took off. The combination of political rhetoric and
violence radicalized a former Army gunner, Timothy McVeigh, who decided to
bring the war home to the government. “Taxes are a joke,” he wrote to a
newspaper in 1992. “More taxes are always the answer to government
mismanagement…. Is a Civil War Imminent? Do we have to shed blood to reform
the current system? I hope it doesn’t come to that. But it might.” On April 19,
1995, a date chosen to honor the Waco standoff, McVeigh set off a bomb at the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The blast killed 168
people, including 19 children younger than six, and wounded more than 800.
When the police captured McVeigh, he was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of
Abraham Lincoln and the words “Sic Semper Tyrannis.” The same words John
Wilkes Booth shouted after he assassinated Lincoln, they mean “thus always to
tyrants,” and are the words attributed to Brutus after he and his supporters
murdered Caesar. By 1995, right-wing terrorists envisioned
themselves as protectors of American individualism in the face of a socialist
government, but the reality was that their complaints were not about
government activism. They were about who benefited from that activism. In 2014, Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy
brought the contradictions in this individualist image to light when he
fought the government over the impoundment of the cattle that he had been
grazing on public land for more than 20 years. Bundy owed the government more
than $1 million in grazing fees for running his cattle on public land, but he
disparaged the “Negro” who lived in government housing and “didn’t have
nothing to do.” Black people’s laziness led them to abort their children and send
their young men to jail, he told a reporter, and he wondered: “are they
better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life… or are they
better off under government subsidy?” Convinced that he was a hardworking
individualist, Bundy announced he did not recognize federal power over the
land on which he grazed his cattle. The government impounded his animals in
2014, but officials backed down when Bundy and his supporters showed up
armed. Republican Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) called Bundy and his supporters
“patriots”; Democrat Harry Reid (D-NV), the Senate Majority Leader at the
time, called them “domestic terrorists” and warned, “it’s not over. We can’t
have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it.
So it’s not over.” It wasn’t. Two years later, Bundy’s son
Ammon was at the forefront of the right-wing takeover of Oregon’s Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge, arguing that the federal government must turn over
all public lands to the states to open them to private development. The
terrorists called themselves “Citizens for Constitutional Freedom.” For the past four years, Trump and his
enablers have tried to insist that unrest in the country is caused by
“Antifa,” an unorganized group of anti-fascists who show up at rallies to
confront right-wing protesters. But the Department of Homeland Security this
summer identified “anarchist and anti-government extremists” as “the most
significant threat… against law enforcement.” According to DHS, they are
motivated by “their belief that their liberties are being taken away by the
perceived unconstitutional or otherwise illegitimate actions of government
officials or law enforcement.” Those anti-government protesters are now
joined quite naturally by white supremacists, as well as other affiliated
groups. Right-wing terrorism in American has very
deep roots, and those roots have grown since the 1990s as Republican
rhetorical attacks on the federal government have fed them. The January 6 assault on the Capitol is not an aberration. It has been
coming for a very long time. —- Heather Cox Richardson Notes: |
A writer must “know and have an ever-present consciousness that this world is a world of fools and rogues… tormented with envy, consumed with vanity; selfish, false, cruel, cursed with illusions… He should free himself of all doctrines, theories, etiquettes, politics…” —Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?). “The nobility of the writer's occupation lies in resisting oppression, thus in accepting isolation” —Albert Camus (1913-1960). “What are you gonna do” —Bertha Brown (1895-1987).
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Sunday, January 17, 2021
"The January 6 assault on the Capitol is not an aberration. It has been coming for a very long time" by Heather Cox Richardson
Domestic Terrorists,
January 6th
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“…For hours afterward, America witnessed the bizarre spectacle of unruly Trump cultists wandering freely through the halls of the Capitol. They ransacked Congress’ offices; they posed for selfies; they carried out the Speaker’s podium and put their muddy feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk; they looted, they stole, they defiled. For all that Trump had incited them, they seemed to have no objective but to engage in childish vandalism.
ReplyDelete“Eventually, finally, the police regrouped and the National Guard arrived to assist. They restored order and cleared the mob out, and Congress reconvened and counted the electoral votes, just as we knew they would. Even then, the authorities were absurdly solicitous of the invaders. Rather than arresting them en masse, they ushered them out as if they were honored guests: holding one woman’s hand to help her down the steps, helping another one wash pepper spray out of his eyes. The comparison with the brutality that cops routinely unleash against peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, let alone law-abiding people of color just going about their day, is inescapable.
“When the smoke cleared, the human cost became apparent. A police officer was hit with a fire extinguisher and later died from his injuries; another one was dragged down and beaten by the crowd. One of the rioters was shot and killed while trying to break into a secure area, and others died of medical emergencies.
“But in the subsequent days, it’s become clear that we narrowly avoided something far worse. There were pipe bombs left at the DNC and RNC. One man was arrested when his car was found to contain weapons and Molotov cocktails. The crowd erected a gallows.
“Most chilling, two of the Capitol invaders were photographed carrying plastic zip-tie handcuffs. It’s a reasonable inference that they were hoping to take members of Congress hostage.
“According to reporters on the scene, some in the mob wanted to lynch Mike Pence (angry that he wouldn’t go along with the right-wing fantasy that he could unilaterally disregard the electoral votes and decree a second term for his boss). And if a bloodthirsty mob had murdered the vice president, we can be sure they wouldn’t have stopped there.
“We’re very lucky that, aside from these few terrorists, neither Trump nor his mob had a real plan. Once again, their incompetence saved us from their evil. It’s no exaggeration to say that a competent fascist could have ended American democracy last Wednesday. What would have happened if Trump had ordered the federal authorities to stand down, and instructed his mob, “Bring your guns. Occupy the Capitol. Take Congress hostage and don’t let them go until they vote to reelect me”?
“Although we avoided the worst-case scenario, we can’t ignore the magnitude of what happened last week. In plain language, what we witnessed was an insurrection against the rightful U.S. government. The president of the United States incited a terrorist mob to assault Congress, to harm or kill lawmakers and his own vice president, in the name of overturning a free and fair election which he lost.
“The silver lining is that this insurrection is provoking a real backlash, more than any of Trump’s previous outrages have caused. There’s been an outcry for Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Trump from office. Congress is voting to impeach him again, and with Republican lawmakers realizing they were in the line of fire, it may go farther than last time. If he’s convicted, he can be barred from holding office in the future…” (Adam Lee, Patheos).
Trump still has a 60% favorability rating among Republican voters. 1/17/21