A writer must “know and have an ever-present consciousness that this world is a world of fools and rogues… tormented with envy, consumed with vanity; selfish, false, cruel, cursed with illusions… He should free himself of all doctrines, theories, etiquettes, politics…” —Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?). “The nobility of the writer's occupation lies in resisting oppression, thus in accepting isolation” —Albert Camus (1913-1960). “What are you gonna do” —Bertha Brown (1895-1987).
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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
As We Near the End of Fiscal Year 2020 for the Teachers’ Retirement System of Illinois by Bob Lyons
pension system received a total state pension contribution of $4.81 billion for
this current fiscal year, which is certainly a lot of money. Even more
significant is that it is not a number that was arrived at by using what is
called standard actuarial accounting.
contribution that we receive is based on state law, Illinois state law.
Illinois state law dictates that pension contributions are to be calculated on
a fifty-year timetable that began in 1995, not the thirty-year time table that
almost every other pension system uses.
law also established a 90 percent funding target instead of the standard 100
percent goal that practically all other pension systems dictate. And lastly,
Illinois requires the debt payments on state pension bonds to be deducted from
future state contributions. That means, the billions borrowed by Governors
Blagojevich and Quinn are repaid by money that should have been received by the
TRS pension fund.
a result, the contribution of $5.14 billion which is what the Illinois
Teachers’ Retirement System will receive for FY 2021 is not the amount that an
actuarial standard study would call for, nor does it equal what the pension
system is expected to spend in the year ahead. It does not in any way reduce
the existing unfunded pension liability that is currently $78.2 billion. It
will of course add to it.
actuary using standard accounting practice would call for a contribution $3.2
billion higher than $5.14 billion, a required contribution of $8.34 billion.
And if the State of Illinois took ‘the long view’ and wanted to save money in
the long run, that is what they would pay.
they certainly could not pay that amount because they do not have the $8.34
billion. If truth be told, they do not have the $5.14 billion. The only way
they will come up with the ‘by-law contribution’ will be by borrowing a goodly
portion of it.
loan that will be paid for from future contributions. There is an old adage
that goes, ‘If you find yourself in hole, the very first thing you should do is
stop digging.’ Sadly, when you have been digging the hole for 81 years that is
all that you know.
Illinois Senate Bill 264 FY 21 appropriations budget passed both houses of the
General Assembly this past weekend. Every Democrat attending the session voted
yes and every Republican voted no.
general revenue spending called for in the FY 2021 is a record $42.9 billion
and has $8.6 billion in pension contributions to the three pension boards and
the five separate pension funds with an additional $1.3 billion for retiree
health costs and a $800 million payment for past pension bonds. As has been
reported, the full state payment for TRIP/TRAIL is in the new budget” -Bob
Lyons, former TRS Trustee and retired teacher
Friday, May 29, 2020
When protesting the murder of a defenseless black man becomes a disgrace
“…In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force…” -from the address to civil rights marchers by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Washington, D.C. on Aug. 28, 1963.
CNN Reporter, Omar Jimenez, Arrested Then Later Released
Protesters attacking the CNN Building in Atlanta
"Please! I Can't Breathe...Mama!" -George Floyd
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” -Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” April 16, 1963.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
We Are Living in a Failed State (The Atlantic)
“When the virus came
here, it found a country with serious underlying conditions, and it exploited
them ruthlessly. Chronic ills—a corrupt political class, a sclerotic
bureaucracy, a heartless economy, a divided and distracted public—had gone
untreated for years. We had learned to live, uncomfortably, with the symptoms.
It took the scale and intimacy of a pandemic to expose their severity—to shock
Americans with the recognition that we are in the high-risk category.
“The crisis demanded a response that was swift, rational, and collective. The United States reacted instead like Pakistan or Belarus—like a country with shoddy infrastructure and a dysfunctional government whose leaders were too corrupt or stupid to head off mass suffering.
“The crisis demanded a response that was swift, rational, and collective. The United States reacted instead like Pakistan or Belarus—like a country with shoddy infrastructure and a dysfunctional government whose leaders were too corrupt or stupid to head off mass suffering.
“The administration
squandered two irretrievable months to prepare. From the president came willful
blindness, scapegoating, boasts, and lies. From his mouthpieces, conspiracy
theories and miracle cures. A few senators and corporate executives acted
quickly—not to prevent the coming disaster, but to profit from it. When a
government doctor tried to warn the public of the danger, the White House took
the mic and politicized the message.
“Every morning in the endless month of March, Americans woke up to find themselves citizens of a failed state. With no national plan—no coherent instructions at all—families, schools, and offices were left to decide on their own whether to shut down and take shelter. When test kits, masks, gowns, and ventilators were found to be in desperately short supply, governors pleaded for them from the White House, which stalled, then called on private enterprise, which couldn’t deliver.
“Every morning in the endless month of March, Americans woke up to find themselves citizens of a failed state. With no national plan—no coherent instructions at all—families, schools, and offices were left to decide on their own whether to shut down and take shelter. When test kits, masks, gowns, and ventilators were found to be in desperately short supply, governors pleaded for them from the White House, which stalled, then called on private enterprise, which couldn’t deliver.
“States and cities
were forced into bidding wars that left them prey to price gouging and
corporate profiteering. Civilians took out their sewing machines to try to keep
ill-equipped hospital workers healthy and their patients alive. Russia, Taiwan,
and the United Nations sent humanitarian aid to the world’s richest power—a
beggar nation in utter chaos.
“Donald Trump saw the crisis almost entirely in personal and political terms. Fearing for his reelection, he declared the coronavirus pandemic a war, and himself a wartime president. But the leader he brings to mind is Marshal Philippe Pétain, the French general who, in 1940, signed an armistice with Germany after its rout of French defenses, then formed the pro-Nazi Vichy regime.
“Donald Trump saw the crisis almost entirely in personal and political terms. Fearing for his reelection, he declared the coronavirus pandemic a war, and himself a wartime president. But the leader he brings to mind is Marshal Philippe Pétain, the French general who, in 1940, signed an armistice with Germany after its rout of French defenses, then formed the pro-Nazi Vichy regime.
“Like Pétain, Trump
collaborated with the invader and abandoned his country to a prolonged
disaster. And, like France in 1940, America in 2020 has stunned itself with a
collapse that’s larger and deeper than one miserable leader. Some future
autopsy of the pandemic might be called Strange Defeat, after the historian and
Resistance fighter Marc Bloch’s contemporaneous study of the fall of France.
“Despite countless
examples around the U.S. of individual courage and sacrifice, the failure is
national. And it should force a question that most Americans have never had to
ask: Do we trust our leaders and one another enough to summon a collective
response to a mortal threat? Are we still capable of self-government? [...]”
(We Are Living in a Failed State, The Atlantic).
Betsy DeVos openly admits she's using the pandemic to impose her private school choice agenda
absolutely,’ DeVos replied when asked if she was trying to ‘utilize’ the crisis
to help ‘faith-based schools’
“Secretary of
Education Betsy DeVos admitted that she was trying to use the ongoing
coronavirus crisis to push through her private school choice agenda during
a Tuesday radio interview. DeVos made the comments during an interview with Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the
archbishop of New York, on his Sirius XM show. The interview was first flagged
by the nonprofit education news outlet Chalkbeat.
“Dolan asked
the secretary whether she was trying to ‘utilize this particular crisis to
ensure that justice is finally done to our kids and the parents who choose to
send them to faith-based schools. Am I correct in understanding what your
agenda is?’ he asked.
absolutely,’ DeVos replied. ‘For more than three decades, that has been
something that I've been passionate about. This whole pandemic has brought into
clear focus that everyone has been impacted, and we shouldn't be thinking about
students that are in public schools versus private schools.’
of Education spokeswoman Angela Morabito said in a statement to Chalkbeat that
DeVos ‘is helping Catholic schools just as she is helping all schools; this
does not mean she is favoring any one type of school over another. There is no
question that this crisis has impacted all students — no matter what
kind of school they're enrolled in,’ she added.
comments came as she defended her decision to redirect coronavirus relief funds away
from public schools with high numbers of impoverished students to private
schools which tend to serve wealthy students. Congress allocated about
$13.5 billion to help schools, most of which was intended to go to schools
based on a formula that determines how many poor children they serve.
“The formula
has long allocated some of the funding for poor children who attend private
schools, The Washington Post reported. But
DeVos said states should calculate how many total students private schools
serve rather than just the number of poor students. As a result, millions in
aid will be redirected away from schools with high poverty rates to private
schools which may not have many poor students.
“The move
drew criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. ‘My sense was that
the money should have been distributed in the same way we distribute Title I
money,’ Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., the chairman of the Senate Education
Committee who is typically a DeVos ally, told reporters Wednesday. ‘I think that's
what most of Congress was expecting.’
also decried the decision. ‘[The guidance] seeks to repurpose
hundreds-of-millions of taxpayer dollars intended for public school students to
provide services for private school students, in contravention of both the
plain reading of the statute and the intent of Congress,’ House Education
Chairman Bobby Scott, D-Va., House Education Appropriations Subcommittee
Chairwoman Rosa DeLaura, D-Ct., and Senate Education ranking member Patty
Murray, D-Washington, said in a letter to DeVos on Tuesday.
“‘Given that
the guidance contradicts the clear requirements of the CARES Act, it will cause
confusion among states and local education agencies that will be uncertain of
how to comply with both the department's guidance and the plain language of the
CARES Act,’ the lawmakers urged, asking her to ‘immediately revise’ the
“But DeVos
defended the decision Thursday to reporters. ‘It's our interpretation that [the
funding] is meant literally for all students, and that includes students no
matter where they're learning,’ she said.
Democrats' warning has proven right, however, as states are already dealing
with confusion sparked by the policy. The Education Law Center said DeVos'
policy was a ‘patent misreading’ of the federal law and
could redirect $800,000 in aid from Newark Public Schools in New Jersey to
private school students. Tennessee's education chief said she plans to follow DeVos'
guidance, but other school leaders argue that it is not legally binding and
should be ignored.
schools chief Jennifer McCormick said that the state would ignore the guidance after
consulting with the state's attorney general. ‘I will not play political agenda
games with relief funds,’ she said. Scott told NPR that ‘there is rightfully
pushback’ on the decision. ‘The actions of the Department of Education have
left states and districts stuck between compliance with the law,’ he said, ‘and
adhering to ideologically motivated guidance.’” (Salon).
Derysh is a staff writer at Salon. His work has also appeared in the Los
Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald and Baltimore Sun. Email:
iderysh@salon.com Twitter: @IgorDerysh
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Tweet, Tweet, Twit
“Donald Trump has threatened to close down social-media platforms that he argues censor conservative voices after Twitter on Tuesday tagged some of his messages with a fact-check warning. ‘Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservative’s voices,’ Trump tweeted Wednesday. ‘We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016.’
“Twitter had long been criticized for allowing the president to spread conspiracy theories and smears against opponents despite its policies against the promotion of disinformation. It recently came under increasing calls for it to take action against Trump after he spent weeks promoting a baseless conspiracy theory alleging that the MSNBC cohost Joe Scarborough was involved in the death of a staffer, Lori Klausutis, while he was serving as a US congressman.
“Twitter has declined to take action against the president for the messages about Scarborough, but on Tuesday for the first time it put a fact-check tag on some of Trump's tweets. The president wrote two tweets claiming ‘There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent.’
“Twitter tagged each of the two messages with a blue exclamation mark and warning message, linking to articles in The Washington Post, CNN, and other outlets that debunk the president's assertion. Trump doubled down on his voter-fraud claims in a follow-up tweet Wednesday.
“‘We can't let a more sophisticated version of that happen again,’ Trump wrote. ‘Just like we can't let large scale Mail-In Ballots take root in our Country. It would be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of Ballots. Whoever cheated the most would win. Likewise, Social Media. Clean up your act, NOW!!!!’
“Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond, Virginia, said that Trump was unlikely to be able to follow through on his threat against social media companies. ‘I think that it is mostly bluster. There are steps he might take, but they are likely to be slow, cumbersome and ineffective, although he does have the huge bullhorn of the presidency to persuade the voters that he is correct and deserves reelection,’ he explained to Business Insider by email.
“‘He could issue executive orders or try to persuade federal agencies to regulate or take action against Twitter or convince Congress to legislate, but none will be fast or help him before November,’ he explained. ‘Reelection might help him achieve some of what he wants in the longer term as agencies and Congress are investigating big tech and may consider legislation but nothing will pass soon.’
“Trump has long accused social-media companies of bias toward conservatives. In June 2019 he invited several far-right provocateurs and conspiracy theorists, some of whom had had hate speech removed by social-media platforms, to the White House for a social-media summit. He has also credited being able to communicate on Twitter as a key factor in his election to the White House, remarking that it allows him to communicate with voters directly, unfiltered by media organizations he accuses of partisan bias” (Business Insider).
"The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been greater in the US than on any other country in lives and jobs lost" (The Guardian)
As the US approaches the grim milestone of 100,000 fatalities from the virus, we have gathered some of the most shocking data.
These statistics tell a tragic
story of how the virus has disproportionately hit older people, people of color
and those with lower incomes. They also capture some of the shortcomings in the
official responses to its spread.
The victims
- 98,787 people killed by the virus in the US,
by Tuesday evening’s count by Johns Hopkins University.
- 1,676,401 confirmed cases
in the US.
- Almost twice as many
men as women are dying of Covid-19, various studies show, including data from New York city’s health
- 80% of deaths, 53% of
intensive care admissions and 45% of hospitalizations, are people 65 and
older according to an early CDC analysis in March.
- More than 200 children in the US
and Europe have been hit by an inflammatory syndrome that may be linked to
the coronavirus that has killed several, and shaken a belief children were
less at risk from the virus. It is similar to Kawasaki
US leads the world in both confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths.
Almost three times as many black people are dying of the
virus compared to white people and at least 20,000 African Americans have died,
according to Amp Research Lab. The virus is twice as deadly for black and
Latinos than white people in New York City, preliminary data suggests.
African Americans are 70% of all coronavirus cases in Chicago, which is 30%
black, and more than half of the state’s deaths, by early April.
racial data shows that the pandemic is hitting African-American communities the
and occupations
to half of the
deaths in some US states have been nursing home residents or workers, studies have indicated. There
have been 55
deaths at one Brooklyn nursing home, the Cobble Hill
health center, according to reports.
Dozens of medical workers have died; the
CDC says at least 27 are confirmed to have died, but this is likely to be a
significant undercount. As many as 20%
of cases of Covid-19 are medical staff in some states.
Scores of grocery workers have died across the country.
Fifty-nine members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union have died,
Axios reports. There have been 81 employees testing positive at one Walmart in
Massachusetts, according to reports.
At least 20 meatpacking workers have died from the virus nationwide
and 5,000 have
become infected, according to union officials.
80% of inmates tested positive for Covid-19 at one Ohio
prison and across the US, prisons and jails have reported large outbreaks, which could spread out to
the community.
and the response
5m Covid-19 tests a day would be carried out
“very soon” in the US, Donald Trump promised on 28 April. This many tests
would be needed by early June to begin reopening the economy, according to a report by Harvard University’s Edmond
J Safra Center for Ethics
tests a day by mid-May
should be the target, according to the research group Harvard’s Global Health
just over 300,000 tests a day were being carried out by mid-May, according to the daily
tracking by the
Covid Tracking Project.
1,000 contact tracers – New York is trying to recruit this many
tracers by 1 June as part of efforts to advance reopening.
$400m per year
is contributed to the World Health Organization by the US but President Trump
has frozen this, during the height of the global pandemic, and criticized its links with China.
slow start in testing led to a largely undetected spread of the coronavirus in
the US.
treatments and anti-vaxxers
more than 1,000% surge
in online demand for hydroxychloroquine came after Donald Trump backed the
anti-malaria drug as a potential treatment for Covid-19, a study found, despite evidence it
doesn’t work.
23% of adults in one poll said they would not be
willing to take a vaccine against Covid-19 if it became available, amid concern
from experts at the impact of the anti-vaxxer movement.
39 million Americans have lost their jobs in the last few weeks –
more than 10% of the entire US population, and more than 20% of the working
14.7% was the official unemployment rate in May,
up from 4.4%, a figure that probably significantly underestimates the true
scale of job losses, which are at a rate unseen since the 1930s Great
of households earning
less than $40,000 have experienced job losses, according to the Federal
20% of black
workers reported being eligible to work from home, compared with about 30% of
their white counterparts, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the global economy, and unemployment in the
US is reaching record highs.
than 100,000 small
businesses have permanently closed since March, an
academic study says.
of restaurants have
permanently closed, 44% have temporarily closed and 11% say they expect to
close permanently in the next month, according to research from the National Restaurant Association.
flights were in
US airspace on 29 March, compared with 6,800 on
1 March, according to Flightradar24.
$4bn could be lost by baseball team owners if
there is not a season in 2020, according to Rob Manfred, commissioner of the
to 43 million people face
losing their job-based health coverage since the coronavirus, according to the Urban Institute and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
That is nearly one-quarter of all Americans who rely on job-based insurance.
many as 7 million people will
be unable to find new health insurance coverage, according to the same report,
joining 28 million who already lacked insurance.
An average of 63% more food was being sought by food banks and pantries around the US in
the wake of widespread job losses, according to Feeding America.
2.6% was
the rise last month in grocery prices, the largest such jump since the 1970s, the Washington Post reported, citing the US
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meats, poultry, fish and eggs were among the goods
going up in price.
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